Saturday, 16 May 2009

My one thought ....

at some point it happened ...

i will say, i never do poems, rhymes, ditty what ever you want to call them, i do not do them, i do not seem to be able to do them. it was only when a friend of mine started posting her lovely rhymes that i felt the need to keep her 'company' in as answering in a rhyme, which i was bad at! so this all of a sudden came to me one night while i was talking to her and another friend online, when they was asking me if i had been able to find the time to do what i had said i was going to do .... get that? 

so here is what popped into my head ....

will have to do it tomorrow 
or some time, 
when i get time, 
cos i have no time at the minute 
not enough hours, 
seconds fly by, 
days gone in a flash, 
weeks are months, 
a moment longer 
another year to ponder ,
one today …
six decade's later ,
a lifetime over ..............

By Tatty

what is the theory? for once my brain cells must have bonded? depends how you read into it, don't it?

i can tell you one thing ... my brain cells will never bond like that again, EVEEEER hahaha

*rolleye* generated

Friday, 15 May 2009


And mischief ….

I sometimes cannot help myself you know, it just happens, a spur of the moment something that will present itself and I just get this irresistible urge that I have to do something nawty, never nasty, always in a funny way, so I thought I would give you one of the best I ever have done, there may be more, actually there are but, this sticks out like a sore thumb hehehe.

So, one day in Turkey, I was out and about one Sunday afternoon, oh before go on, I used to write a column for the local free paper, which was supposed to be about my weekly happenings, again this was funny, I ended up having a huge following, I had to give the people I mentioned in the ‘aliases’ so that I could protect the not so innocent, I was told that people used to wait at certain places for it to be delivered each week, how cool is that! So this story here I put in my column.

Anyhoo, I will set the scene for you, this particular Sunday afternoon there was the 2 John’s, Wayne and his new girlfriend from England with her daughter in this bar, we were the only ones in there along with the barmaid Karen. I was sitting at the end of the bar where the door was where you came in.
It was pretty much just normal chatter, Wayne used to live in Turkey but sold up and went back to England,  so we are all there, then in walks the photographer from another well know local paper, now this photographers job was to go round all the local hotspots taking people pictures then putting them in his paper as interesting places to be at the time, I knew him, he knew me very well as I  had done some nawty things before to him, like or instance, a Chinese meal one night, there were 11 of us, he came in took photos and asked me to name who is who at the table ….. Big mistake, we had the Kray twins, Myra Hindly, Richard Meldrew …. And he had all these names below our picture in the paper the following week, and everyone knew that it must have been me that did the names hahaha.

Back to Sunday afternoon, so the photo bloke came in saw me and said hello in Turkish to me and hello in English to the others, so now I am thinking what can I do to brighten things up, so me knowing full well that none of the others spoke or understood Turkish I told him in Turkish that Wayne and his girlfriend had just got married earlier that day, and he must take a photo and put it in his paper! 
So he was really happy that he had caught these two on their wedding day and promptly started taking photos, of course they all wanted to know what I said to the photo bloke and I told them, they all thought it was hilarious! So after he had taken the photo’s of Wayne and girlfriend he wanted a group shot, and just at the right second I had turned my head and was looking outside, so all he got was the back of my head hehe.
Then he came and put a paper and pen in front of me and asked me to write down their names, which I did, sort of, not their real names though!

Now the following Thursday when this paper comes out, I had been down to the local town, and I had met the 2 Johns in a bar, on the way back to where I should be, while in this bar one of the John’s gets a phone call, it was Wayne asking where he was and who with, so of course John told him, then John starts spluttering, saying on the phone ‘ok we are coming’. so he gets off the phone and asked me what I had done, cos the photo’s that were taken on Sunday were in he ‘post’ paper and Wayne now wants to kill me, Hahahah so I told them what I had done with the names, and they killed themselves laughing.

Well, we all get into our cars and drive to this other bar, where Wayne and his girlfriend are, and as I pulled up outside everyone is standing at he bar, this is an open bar as it is the middle of the summer, so I put my head out of the window and say, ‘am I safe to get out of this, cos if not I’m off’, with that everyone started laughing, Wayne tells me I am safe. So I go in and he said have you seen this paper and the story under the photo, I told him no, not yet, his girlfriend is telling me she is going to take copies of the paper home to show her friends and family cos it’s the funniest things ever, anyway you get the drift people were all over me like a rash. 
So I was handed the paper, and there are two photos, one of Wayne and girlfriend the other a group photo with the back of my head hahaha, and under the ‘bride and groom’ photo was this ……

Mr & Mrs Wanking  were married today …….


I bet your wondering what my theory is now? It is this ….

I should never be let out, cos I am very nawty when left to my own devices!!

Laters Tatty xx

p.s the photo above, is of my dog George, on the beach in Turkey, i put the shark in the photo though! lol

*rolleye* generated.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Farm Town .....

Farm Town …..

Online games ……

I will have to tell you something before I go any further, I have never played online ‘games’ before In my life, in fact the only computer game I have ever really played is ‘Sims’, now I think most of you have heard about Sims. I was playing Sims quiet happily although I do not think the ’Sims’ people were very happy with me, they was not happy actually, could not form relationships, eat properly, they got depressed, only one family was ok and they went on to have a baby, and this is where I went wrong, I got so wrapped up in making sure the baby was well cared for I neglected the family, then because they were depressed one of them accidentally started a fire, and me being me, I panicked, while they were running around trying to put out the fire, call the fire brigade I was still panicking, while the whole place was blazing, and the worse thing happened yes, I killed the baby, I did not get it out, I was soo upset I have never been able to play the game since lol. 
I tell you, people who I know that play this game and i tell them what I did, they pee themselves laughing.

Now bear the above in mind, and it is a testament that I am no good at these sort of games at all.

So a week ago I was sent an invitation to this online game called ‘Farm Town’ now I have read up on this game, it was only started in February 2009 this year, it was given to 12 users on a very well known social network to try it out, and with the time from February to now which is the beginning of May 4, months in all, it has grown to over 4 million!! The makers do not advertise this game, you will not see it anywhere apart from on people’s profile’s on this social network.

So anyhow I was sent an invite by a friend to go play this ‘Farm Town’, so because of her, I went and signed up, its an easy game, nothing hard, nothing but literally farming, inviting other people to be you neighbours, you send and receive gifts, that can be from animals to trees, no people live with you on the farm, it is just you, tending it.
You also have to make a ‘buddy’ list these are people that you help harvest crops, they help you, you get more money if others harvest for you.
You also get two places to go to ‘hire’ people to work for you, if your buddies are not online, the market place and the inn, where most of them stand about begging for  work, mainly at the market, at the inn this is for purely socializing but people still go to beg for work.
Me, I go to the inn, go to the bar and then offer booze to everyone, hahaha ok its ‘cyber’ alcohol, but it is still funny, and usually I get to meet all sorts of people that I can add to my ever growing buddy list.

You get the drift? and it does make you interact with other people, over the 8 days I have been on this game, I am on it more often than I have ever been on anything in my life that is on the internet, in fact there is a ‘Farm Town’ forum, where you go and do what ever it is you need to do, you know what forums do.
Also I have noticed that some are rather addicted to the game, on it practically 24/7!! I am not naming names, but, setting the alarm clock to go off in the middle of the night so they can do a harvest, instead of, planning the planting so that you don’t need to do anything until you have had a good nights sleep.
Example, you can plant grapes, they take 4 hours and you get more points, then you get day plants, 2 days and so on, so tell me how you would plan that out? And believe me, people are openly admitting on the forum they are addicted hahaha … aww should not laugh because I can see why it is such a compelling game.
So I am thinking there should really be a ‘Farm-oholics- anon, seriously! I doubt it would help people much but it sure would make funny reading.

Now in all this as I said, you get to meet people from all over the world, I have a list now of where people come from, I tend to forget, and this does makes things easier as you know when they possibly will be online. Also you need to keep a tag on the time zone’s now that can be confusing as well.
I can honestly say that the main bulk of people I have met have been lovely, we laugh and chat about most things of interest, and I am really enjoying that.
Then you get the ‘trolls’ these are people that deliberately set out to cause conflict, upset and use bad language, that is a troll definition, oh yes look it up on the net, it will come back as …..

“In Internet terminology, a troll is a person who enters an established community such as an online discussion forum and intentionally tries to cause disruption, often in the form of posting messages that are inflammatory, insulting, incorrect, inaccurate, absurd, or off-topic, with the intent of provoking a reaction from others.” 

Now, believe me they are on Farm Town, there is a debate going on as we speak about, hiring people from the market, and you tell them what you  want harvesting, you also might say ‘not to touch your trees’, they agree, you give them the tools (by clicking on the person’s little person onscreen) and then they run amok … yes they chop everything, including your trees!!!    now you are sitting there and what can you do? Hence the thread on this behaviour on the forum, which is soo funny I might add.

So now we have ‘TREE TROLLERS’ hahaha

So after everything I have said here, and I do not know if you play these sort of games or not, are you wondering what my theory is on all this? Well let me tell you…..

Why do people deliberately set out to ‘troll’ …. cause trouble? My theory? ….

Because they are just downright nasty people, who have no social skills whatsoever!!

That’s the only thing I can think of, you could argue that they think it is funny, they do more than likely, because they enjoy the tormenting of others and see the reaction they get, but does that excuse them from the everyday politeness that should be, whether it is RL or on the internet?

Or I have a better theory …. They are just plain sad people, Who need to get a life!!

Laters Tatty xx

p.s. the photo here is of Sally's farm, shows how much planning and effort some people will put into this, nice though a?

*rolleye* generated.