Friday, 23 April 2010

April 23rd .. every year ....

Is St George’s Day!!!!

Yes we English do celebrate the fact that St George did that dragon, go read I am not giving history lessons here lol and we celebrate every April on the 23rd!

I was brought up in a church of England school, where we learned about our history, we celebrated St Georges day.

England is visited my millions of visitors every year who tour our historical places, usually start of with Buckingham Palace, who knows why it is called Buckingham Palace? Westminster Abbey, we have many historical people buried there .. And for those of you who know and have visited Windsor Castle which our Queen loves, you will know that this is the resting place for our patron saint, well you should do if you paid attention to your tour guide, that is what you pay for, to know what you looking at.

Not many people will know that a Roman soldier is in fact this very person! That the dragon was slayed supposedly in Turkey! This legend has been passed down for a very long time.

Our English history goes back centuries, how many countries can say that? How many countries have proof and places still in tact that show the history of their country? How many of you in other countries are proud of the fact that your country is visited by millions for this very reason?
England is steeped in history … it would take a lifetime of reading to learn it all, to see it all, all the nooks and crannies that can be overlooked, then you realise where it was and go back. The centre of London which is know as the ‘square mile’ is still mostly in between the new high rise office blocks, riddled with alleys and small places that hide many church’s and buildings that are soo old you would not believe. Even pubs/bars from centuries ago are still as they were then! Trust me I know, I have frequented a few hehehe

And me having been brought up in this very area, yes my father always at Buckingham Palace, he was stationed at Wellington barracks across the road, I was always outside daydreaming about life in there, I played in the park opposite, St James park .. Hyde park was where I went swimming, Westminster abbey just up the road from me, Westminster cathedral I could see out of my front room window!! The old Scotland yard, the new Scotland yard round the corner from my very first school, who has heard of Kings Road? My secondary school was round the corner, not far from Chelsea Barracks, I could go on.

MY SON, I had christened at the Church of St Lawrence Jewry, in that square mile of London, which would enable him to be married in St Paul’s Cathedral! If he wanted. The Guildhall, we had a party to celebrate, How many people can say that?

I could go on about England’s history, because I live here, work here, and I will die here, this is where I was born, and I am proud of it!!


Who else knows this amount of knowledge of their country without having to read first right at this very second?

I am not ignorant of other countries, and there ‘days’ that are celebrated, and it is not because of the history that I learned this of other countries, because few have no centuries of history .. BUT I am saddened by the fact that we get passed by from other countries on this day.
I am saddened by the fact that the ‘PC’ brigade of this country will bend over backwards NOT to offend others, why?? Why would anyone born and bred in England do this? Why do we allow others to celebrate their days in our country, and yet the ‘PC’ people want our own shunned??

And lets face it, it is because of these ‘PC’ people that it has been watered down in the past years .. BUT since I got up this morning, and turned on the TV every single program that has been on has started with ‘Hello, and Happy St Georges day!’

So you tell me, where is it that we do not celebrate this day? Who says WE do not celebrate?? And why??

I can point two out right this very second why, and how they celebrate and why it gets into the news …

St Patrick’s day, March 17th … A days holiday, oh yes no one on earth I do not think has never heard of this day, and why?? Because of the little green men (leprechauns not aliens .. Well *cough*) and the fact that they drink themselves stoopid for days on end, cos they forget when the day ended, they are that out of it LOL funny, I love the Irish, I love the country, I have been there and fell in love with it the very first time!
But, who here that is Irish, can say off the top of their head who and why is the day celebrated?

And then we have America .. Independence day, 4th July .. Celebrated with a days holiday too, again with drinking, BBQ’s fireworks, which is televised the whole world over … hangovers the same size as the Irish I don’t doubt because, the Irish have probably just about sobered up from their own celebrations Hahanah so they have a ‘hair of the dog’ and join in with the Americans! LOL it is a never ending circle! haha

I can name others, the list is long! And I guarantee not once while writing this have I ‘googled’ anything.

So why does St Georges day get bypassed? My theory is this ….

Because we do not get rip roaringly peed out of our heads LOL well we do, but usually the world do not want to see English people in this state anymore, they have seen enough on TV of football hooligans!!
Trust me we are all not like them!

We don’t even get a day off … why?? Cos it would mean that we would have to have the next day off as well ,to get over the hangover, unlike the Irish who carry on with guiness til they can swim in it lol … they take til July 4th to recover, remember?

We do celebrate, again, .. YOU google it and see how, it will be on the news, but not on the scale of the other two mentioned above.

And most of all, the main culprit in why we do not get enough coverage .. Is because our Labour government that has been in for like a gazillion years started with the ‘PC’ in earnst when they came in in 1997 .. Yes I point the finger firmly at them!!
They would not how to have a good time if it came up and slapped them in the face!! Lol

So I make a proclamation … that WE the English in our own way, which includes stiff upper lips and all that hahaha do celebrate, and to get noticed next year, I proclaim you get the whole day off .. To do that celebrating in what ever fashion you want to .. Eat drink and be merry like it was in the 15th century … and get blind drunk, sing out loud with pride, that WE are ENGLISH!!! And proud of it!!

I am off now to get a couple of bottles of mead (wine really) and will drink myself silly tonight, with whoever wants to join me! CHEERS!

Laters Tatty xx


My ENGLISH pride I will not hide,
My ENGLISH race I will not disgrace,
My ENGLISH blood flows hot and true, My people I'll stand by you,
Through thick and thin till the day we die our ENGLISH pride stands so high!

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

In Adversity ....


Icelands Volcano special.

Seriously! .. We the people of the UK are well known for our ‘stiff upper lip’ … in everything we do, we never show emotion, now I am talking about massive things here, not trivial things that we loose the plot over, example a man will get flu, BUT he will not jut have flu, he will be dying!! Moaning and groaning, take to bed and complain endlessly, and expect his other half who also has flu to be at his beck and call, it does not matter to him that she is suffering, he for some reason she has a slight flu, that does not compare to his deathly flu.

But in a life and death situation, we Brits do not run around like blue arse flies, we visually pull our selves together and get on with it, you can throw anything at us, literally, and when we are in that ‘mode’ we will not show emotion.

Everyone else will run in the opposite direction, and try to avoid a bad situation, men much quicker than women lol and children come to think of it, because obviously they will be far worse off than the latter two!

Through history, we have been well known that in the thick of it, we will stand our ground, and not bend under any circumstances. This proves that although a small country in comparison to most around the world, and an Island to boot, and lets face it, bigger will always think they can beat the hell out of smaller, but the smaller will stand firm, take a beating then come back and win the war! Literally!
No I am not war mongering, I honestly do not like bloodshed of any kind, especially my own, I pass out, and then end up in an even bigger mess, ask my head what happened when I accidentally stabbed my hand .. Yes collapsed in a heap cos of blood spraying all over, but went backwards, hitting my head on the marble worktop behind me, knocking myself out, leaving me with having to have 5 stitches in my hand and the same in my head :P so no need to accuse me of the war thingy, if I do go on the warpath you will know about it :O

Am I making any sense here? Let me explain, the Iceland volcano, that has been gushing since March 20th, a month now, and for nearly a week, the UK has been on air travel lockdown! Yes because the muck that has been spewing from the volcano has dire consequences on aircrafts flying at low altitude, messes it up big time, I will not go into the ins and outs of what most people would not understand cos then I will be asked questions, this is not Q&A time, I don’t have the time for that ….. Trust me.
Anyhoo, you can look on the net for videos of what is happening with the volcano, and do you know that other things also happen within and around a volcano when in full spewing mode .. Nature has a way of showing us what it is capable of, lightning is one, yes you can visually see flashes of it in and around a volcano, awesome sight! All sorts of things will go on when a volcano is off on one.

So brings us back to why I am going on about this, because, holiday makers from the UK and Ireland have been stranded abroad, now in my books that’s not such a bad thing, especially if you are in a lovely hot place, where you can sit on the beach all day chilling, I could max out my cards no probs hehehe
BUT it seems some people are moaning that they need to get home, and go to work or what other things they are missing out on in the normal every day lives, and because no flights are allowed to land in the UK the prime minister and the powers that be came up with a solution, oh yes! Send in the navy!!! Good grief as one main newspaper said, its like D-day 70 years ago! Even flotillas of dinghy’s are helping people get back to the UK, I jest not here peeps!
People are flocking to all ports in France, Spain and other sunny places, in the hope of hitching a ride on a Navy ship, that is probably filled to the bows’ with all sorts of explosives!! hahaha

(1) Why would anyone PUT themselves IN harms way? (see ship & explosives)
(2)WHY more to the point would you not wait it out and fly back?
(3)WHY would our Prime Minister do this ludicrous thing, in ‘helping’ holiday makers get back?

More importantly .. WHY, would anyone in their right mind want to come back to a country that is clouded over with all this muck?? You cant tell me that it does not have some sort of affect on us people!

The theory to all the above why’s??

Answer to (1) & (2) Because no matter what the risk, in these circumstances we are drama queens, oh woe is me I have to get to work or I will get fired! I have to get back because the kids have to be back at school! (even breathing in ash), I have to get back because I can not afford to stay. I have to get back because my family are worrying about me! Really?

Or is it just because you want to tell your envious friends you hitched a ride on a Navy frigate filled from bow to stern with all sorts of explosive materials!

Com’on! Your family worry? Would it not be the other way round? Surely YOU being stranded in another country would make you worry about your family and friends stranded in the UK breathing in all the muck? No? you still want that ride a?

And then we have answer to (3) why would our prime minister at the tax payers cost send in the Navy to ‘rescue’ our holidays makers? Who I might add, still went abroad even though they knew that this volcano went up in the air on 20th March!! And the winds being unpredictable .. And sods law that its going to happen to us when the chips are down!

BECAUSE its coming up to the general election!! He will do anything to try and get as many votes he can for his wearying party .. That is up the swanny without a paddle! And STILL IS, even with the rescuing! LOL tsk why oh why does old Gordy think so little of us mere people with no brains??

What would I do? I said I would max out my card and stay out of this country .. But then again, I do not really want to be here in the first place .. So any excuse will do for me hahaha

Anyone willing to whisk me of to sunny climates? ….. On a posh cruise ship of course!! lol

Laters Tatty xx

*rolleye* generated.