Saturday, 9 October 2010

Unexpected HERO's ....

You know who you are .. no names mentioned ...

I learned a lesson yesterday, 3 rotten things happened through other people .. and 3 very nice things happened 2 by people i had never met before!! the other person was you ...

after accidentally locking myself out yesterday, and no hope of the other 5 people who lived in my small block coming home any time soon .. the wind was howling cold, i only had a t-shirt on, and trousers, and my health not being all that .. i could have stood there at the entry door and cried!

2 people who live in the same vicinity, i asked for help in one way or the other, but they were in a hurry to go do what ever it was they were doing... not one offered me the mobile to call the number i had. also the ones that had windows open, who i could hear talking .. did not bother to answer their buzzer.

So yesterday was a day to find that my instinct that i cannot trust anyone anymore has been swayed, and one of them people i am going to try my best to help that man who let me use his mobile phone, after i had been buzzing on the security buzzers in the other blocks around me... he is obviously not in good health from a disability, obviously in need of help .. he has basic living and i hope i can help him get the help he needs

I am very fortunate, i have my laptop that allows me to enter a whole world that on the most part makes me very happy, last night, i put myself in that mans shoes yesterday and the outlook was very depressing to me! so i will try and find out how i can help him.

The delivery man, Paul, had no need to help me the way he did, he said he had a flask of tea, and he gave me his tea, and his puffa jacket, so at least i was warm while waiting for the 'highway man' of a locksmith! 'dick turpin' has nothing on that bloke!

The locksmith (dick Turpin) when he arrived, his first words were, the charge is £65 for being called out! i cringed .. and when i said i dont need the lock changing as my front door upstairs was on the latch, it took him a few minutes to put a sort of T shaped hook through the letter box and snagged the knob to open the door .. £65!

i did not say what i did on that post on my fb wall, hinting that i needed any money from anyone .. i was doing it to try and get a laugh out of a really bad situation ... and i did .. and then this morning i saw your email!

I usually dig myself out of the 'skint' hole eventually .. but you helped me quicker, thats why i cried!

No one has ever been this nice to me before, i have always been the giver, and never wanted anything in return .. thats my nature, some people really took the piss because of my giving nature, so eventually i clammed up ...the trust eventually left me.

I sincerely hope that i can show you that you can trust people .. as i know you find that hard too .. and i hope it will not be too long either, i will find a way, and i hope you can then find some peace.

Dont get me wrong, i am not over the trust issue by a long chalk, but it at least restored some faith, that hero's come by when least expected.

I wish i could give you a really big hug .. but this will have to do for now ((((((HUGS))))) xxx

I also want to say to the rest of you also, who gave me warm 'cyber' hugs, made me smile, and feel better, i will not forget!

Laters Tatty xxx

no rolling of eyes today .. this is straight from the heart :)

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Babies and ....

Old people ....

Have you noticed, a new born baby will be ‘coo’ed’ over, and most will say ‘awww how sweet!’ you know, and rightly so in most cases, although no one will ever say ‘OMG where does jnr get that ugly mug from?!’ no one will pull a shocked face at a new baby.

No one will want to upset the new mummy, and rightly so, new borns are perfect in its own mothers eyes, she will see no fault, her child is perfect, even with ginger hair! Right from the start a mother’s instinct is to protect her baby, child, teenager, adult, that feeling of ‘you will die for your child’ never fades, and it will not until the day you die, that’s a fact.

We love the fact that others revel in the beauty of our child!

Her child can do no wrong as a toddler either, she will not bite, she will be just ‘mischievous’, but if she is bitten, that horrible child needs to be taught a lesson! You know what I mean.

If your child ‘catches’ something. Any run of the mill child hood illness, you blame the other for not staying away, not thinking that really your child needs to catch it and be immune, so as not to be a risk when she becomes a parent. Illness that you have no control over, that risk your childs life, a mother blames herself, no one else.

No matter how perfect you think your child is, you will see no bad.

You may be wondering why I am saying all this, not that I am assessing myself, I needed to point out how we behave towards babies really, because, this morning on TV an 80 year old Granny, was on because she still abseils down high rise buildings etc, a feat in itself let alone a lady of that age, the two interviewers seemed to be talking to her like a new born baby, in that ’high pitched’ voice, I have to say she really was the sweet little granny type we all see in our child hood books, sitting in a rocking chair with glasses at the end of her little snub nose, small and cute, the two were talking in the high pitched ‘aww’ voice that we do with new babies lol … even when she was listing what she had done throughout her life! aww

What age do people start talking to mature people like that? I changed the ‘old’ to ‘mature’ just in case I get loads of emails saying I am ageist! LoL yes I have been accused of that before! Another subject, so I am not going there!

And is the ‘high’ pitched googoo voice only for certain mature people, ie: because they fill that image we have of sweet and innocent older people? Babies have no past, mature people do, how do they become sweet and innocent, if they have not been very good in the past?
I know I do not talk to my father in that voice, and he is getting close to that age of 80, he will probably kill me now for outing him hahahaah this may be the last blog I ever do, pheww did I hear someone say? :O in my own defence he must have been really mature when he had me LOL

Anyhoo I have a theory on this that may make sense to some …

If the age between a baby, and an mature person is say up to 2 for the baby and then starts at 70 for the mature person, where we talk in that ‘high pitched’ voice, what are we in between?

Really does that mean that all of us in between them ages are not worth a toss? That we do not look angelic anymore? Or are sweet but not innocent?
People just waiting in the wings to put you down, and do bad things themselves, why do some people just see bad in others? Nothing good? Is it because they themselves were not that ‘cute’ baby, they have seen photo’s of themselves, and now know that people were lying to their mother when they said ‘how cute’!! hehehe is this why?

Or are they just ignorant of others? I myself do sometimes get accused of ‘ranting’ a bit, if I did not have this blog, I would have all that ranting building up in me .. So this is a good place to release, even though I am jesting!! Its just that some do not ‘get my sense of humour, that is because YOU DO NOT KNOW ME! Tsk

This is why I have to put the odd ‘lol’ and ‘hehe or hahah’ in there or no one would know I was messing about.
That is because written words can be misconstrued. Or Is this because I am in between the two mentioned?

Besides that, the thing here is, my theory, is that now I understand why people do not want to get old, because they must know deep down somewhere, that as soon as people start talking to them in the high pitched baby voice, they will absolutely know they ARE OLD and considered past it by others, even if in their heads they feel young, regardless of the age, aches and pains if they are unlucky, you never know when you yourself are soo mature to be talked to like that.

And!! Am I the only one that realises this? If someone starts to talk to me in that ‘high pitched’ voice, I now know my days are numbered!!

But, When are we now ‘middle age’ even?? Another question lol

Laters Tatty xx

*rolleye* generated.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Credit Crunch ...

NEW Government ....

I may be a tad late with this, but you know me, I never just jump into these things without a thought, so this was suggested to me by a friend, I suspect is to test my skills really *cough* … so I suppose I will have to try me best on this one.

Credit crunch came about before the last new government.

Is that right so far? LOL

No seriously, how did this happen? How did we get into such a mess? Not us personally, I mean the country, owing soo much to others? I thought others borrowed from us!! Just shows how wrong you can be about something.
Thing is, the last government, get us into this position, then tell US we have to tighten our belts! Can you ever imagine any of our lovely politicians doing that?? Well no they don’t because they would rather put in bogus ‘claim’ forms and put us into more debt! They are alright, sod us little people I hear them say!

I said waaaay back in 1997 that the government will get us into trouble, and what did they do?? Make me right AGAIN! that’s not a bad thing really, I don’t like being wrong hehe

So after all that, another election, and good ‘ole Gorddy Brown, makes one absolute blooper in saying that an OAP was racist etc, when he thought no one could hear him! WRONG! I am soo happy they did not win, BUT neither did the others, they made a coalition government, which I have to say seems to be doing ok so far.. Well ok, they brought out a new emergency budget, because the last government would not give anyone any idea, as they should have done, where it all was .. Shows how ashamed there were about the whole situation … NOT! Cos they were still trying to lie there way back to winning another election! Did not work though did it? *V* << my new sign of the week hahaha

And now, here we have our happy coalition peeps, and the new budget, which I understand that they need to rake money back from the scroungers, but why hit the disabled? AGAIN, yes I know full well that a lot are not even ill .. I have seen and know some! If I was a grass, I would dob them in … but kiddies are involved! So they are not even ill let alone disabled, which takes money from those who need it ME is one! .. Shame on you all for that one! BUT I can guarantee you I will get yet another letter, which I have had in 2006 then all monies stopped for a year .. Because their stooped doctor deemed me fit to work! Funny how just after that, I had to have the operation on my broken neck, to try and stop me from being fully paralyzed, just how fit do you have to be? Long story short, I won that tribunal, the chairman, felt sorry for me, YES he said so in them very words “I feel sorry for you” .. so at least I got everything back, but not the point.
The point is, I should not have someone saying ‘they feel sorry for me’, I should not have been there in the first place, as the chairman also said, and I hope that doctor got to see the notes on all that.

BUT I do hope also, that people who are claiming for things they should not be, knowing full well they are not that ill really, just lazy, will do the right thing, and get off their lazy backsides, and give the money back to those who really do need it! I dare ya!

The credit crunch really does not affect me much anymore, LOL well lets face it, where do I go? What do I spend on me? Apart from essentials like, ohh lets say .. Food! should I be cutting down on that? I did stop smoking to be able to afford better food for myself, so how do I tighten my belt more on that one? OK so I put on a bit of weight since stopping smoking, but it is not because I am eating myself silly … not smoking does that to you lol maybe I should go back to smoking and not eat as much? I would be thinner, back to my normal self, naaaa bad move!

So I do not smoke, I buy food instead, I do not go out to socialize much, I am not capable, beside I would not be able to afford to socialize .. So am I better off not capable? I may have the odd glass of wine .. If I treat myself, is that allowed if I am trying to tighten my belt more? Also I really do need heating in winter, hypothermia is not a good look on me, so I am paying for my electric every month by DD to be able to afford to heat myself in winter, so see, I have to budget for that all year, I cant tighten my belt any further than I have on that score .. Even though I am very eco minded .. Electric is not lol
Next on the list is .. My kitteh, how do I budget my kitteh? She does not know anything about the state of affairs, I know she is a very intelligent kitteh, but not unless I show her how to do things, although, I do not know where she got the ‘tapping me on the head while sleeping’ thing from, I think its bred into them as a normal thing to do to us slaves .. Pft
She eats what she needs, never over indulges, I give her the odd treat, cos she make me giggle, she really does need that litter stuff in her ‘closed-in’ tray .. That is because you do know kitteh’s are shy about people watching them do their business .. Same with us, So that was a bit extravagant, but she likes it .. And it does contain some of the smell! I know what she eats, why is it soo smelly? Anyhoo, so no I cannot make my kitteh suffer cos the government cannot get their act together!

I would probably be reported to the RSPCA! By my kitteh I bet, Lol then what do I do?

So I come to the conclusion, that, I can do no more than what I am already .. So what is my theory on this?

I MAY NOT be able to do anything, but why oh why punish the pensioners too? They are in the same boat as me .. They get colder than I do, I am young-er … bus passes are their sanity of not being alone all day, if they live by themselves! Leave them alone!

Radical idea … POLITICIANS should take a pay cut, and be paid by commission! Yes! I knew I would suss it out eventually lol
Lets see how they do then! Lets see how long it take us to get out of the rut THEY have put us in .. not long I bet .. Lets see how they ‘tighten’ their belts if they are only living on a basic wage, of lets say £25,000 per annum .. I put that amount because it seems fair to me, maybe a bit over, but I give the ‘benefit’ of doubt if I can, unlike some … so yes the rest is paid on commission, of how you perform, yeeeesss I do mean in the office! how many hours they actually put in, the expense chitty’s that need to be scrutinized … everything that goes with being paid commission, lets see how they fare then, AND it all has to be approved by a governing body!

Which leaves us with this question .. WHO would be suitable to be in charge, who is incorruptible, to head the governing body? Lets call this body the ..

‘TATT(b)Y- JEST ombudsman ….

Take All That Trash(back) You - Just exploited Sad Twat’ …

Names will be carefully looked into .. So chose your person wisely, SHE eerrrmm she or he *cough* … will need side kicks too, so make your list and put them here ….

Laters Tatty xx


Friday, 23 April 2010

April 23rd .. every year ....

Is St George’s Day!!!!

Yes we English do celebrate the fact that St George did that dragon, go read I am not giving history lessons here lol and we celebrate every April on the 23rd!

I was brought up in a church of England school, where we learned about our history, we celebrated St Georges day.

England is visited my millions of visitors every year who tour our historical places, usually start of with Buckingham Palace, who knows why it is called Buckingham Palace? Westminster Abbey, we have many historical people buried there .. And for those of you who know and have visited Windsor Castle which our Queen loves, you will know that this is the resting place for our patron saint, well you should do if you paid attention to your tour guide, that is what you pay for, to know what you looking at.

Not many people will know that a Roman soldier is in fact this very person! That the dragon was slayed supposedly in Turkey! This legend has been passed down for a very long time.

Our English history goes back centuries, how many countries can say that? How many countries have proof and places still in tact that show the history of their country? How many of you in other countries are proud of the fact that your country is visited by millions for this very reason?
England is steeped in history … it would take a lifetime of reading to learn it all, to see it all, all the nooks and crannies that can be overlooked, then you realise where it was and go back. The centre of London which is know as the ‘square mile’ is still mostly in between the new high rise office blocks, riddled with alleys and small places that hide many church’s and buildings that are soo old you would not believe. Even pubs/bars from centuries ago are still as they were then! Trust me I know, I have frequented a few hehehe

And me having been brought up in this very area, yes my father always at Buckingham Palace, he was stationed at Wellington barracks across the road, I was always outside daydreaming about life in there, I played in the park opposite, St James park .. Hyde park was where I went swimming, Westminster abbey just up the road from me, Westminster cathedral I could see out of my front room window!! The old Scotland yard, the new Scotland yard round the corner from my very first school, who has heard of Kings Road? My secondary school was round the corner, not far from Chelsea Barracks, I could go on.

MY SON, I had christened at the Church of St Lawrence Jewry, in that square mile of London, which would enable him to be married in St Paul’s Cathedral! If he wanted. The Guildhall, we had a party to celebrate, How many people can say that?

I could go on about England’s history, because I live here, work here, and I will die here, this is where I was born, and I am proud of it!!


Who else knows this amount of knowledge of their country without having to read first right at this very second?

I am not ignorant of other countries, and there ‘days’ that are celebrated, and it is not because of the history that I learned this of other countries, because few have no centuries of history .. BUT I am saddened by the fact that we get passed by from other countries on this day.
I am saddened by the fact that the ‘PC’ brigade of this country will bend over backwards NOT to offend others, why?? Why would anyone born and bred in England do this? Why do we allow others to celebrate their days in our country, and yet the ‘PC’ people want our own shunned??

And lets face it, it is because of these ‘PC’ people that it has been watered down in the past years .. BUT since I got up this morning, and turned on the TV every single program that has been on has started with ‘Hello, and Happy St Georges day!’

So you tell me, where is it that we do not celebrate this day? Who says WE do not celebrate?? And why??

I can point two out right this very second why, and how they celebrate and why it gets into the news …

St Patrick’s day, March 17th … A days holiday, oh yes no one on earth I do not think has never heard of this day, and why?? Because of the little green men (leprechauns not aliens .. Well *cough*) and the fact that they drink themselves stoopid for days on end, cos they forget when the day ended, they are that out of it LOL funny, I love the Irish, I love the country, I have been there and fell in love with it the very first time!
But, who here that is Irish, can say off the top of their head who and why is the day celebrated?

And then we have America .. Independence day, 4th July .. Celebrated with a days holiday too, again with drinking, BBQ’s fireworks, which is televised the whole world over … hangovers the same size as the Irish I don’t doubt because, the Irish have probably just about sobered up from their own celebrations Hahanah so they have a ‘hair of the dog’ and join in with the Americans! LOL it is a never ending circle! haha

I can name others, the list is long! And I guarantee not once while writing this have I ‘googled’ anything.

So why does St Georges day get bypassed? My theory is this ….

Because we do not get rip roaringly peed out of our heads LOL well we do, but usually the world do not want to see English people in this state anymore, they have seen enough on TV of football hooligans!!
Trust me we are all not like them!

We don’t even get a day off … why?? Cos it would mean that we would have to have the next day off as well ,to get over the hangover, unlike the Irish who carry on with guiness til they can swim in it lol … they take til July 4th to recover, remember?

We do celebrate, again, .. YOU google it and see how, it will be on the news, but not on the scale of the other two mentioned above.

And most of all, the main culprit in why we do not get enough coverage .. Is because our Labour government that has been in for like a gazillion years started with the ‘PC’ in earnst when they came in in 1997 .. Yes I point the finger firmly at them!!
They would not how to have a good time if it came up and slapped them in the face!! Lol

So I make a proclamation … that WE the English in our own way, which includes stiff upper lips and all that hahaha do celebrate, and to get noticed next year, I proclaim you get the whole day off .. To do that celebrating in what ever fashion you want to .. Eat drink and be merry like it was in the 15th century … and get blind drunk, sing out loud with pride, that WE are ENGLISH!!! And proud of it!!

I am off now to get a couple of bottles of mead (wine really) and will drink myself silly tonight, with whoever wants to join me! CHEERS!

Laters Tatty xx


My ENGLISH pride I will not hide,
My ENGLISH race I will not disgrace,
My ENGLISH blood flows hot and true, My people I'll stand by you,
Through thick and thin till the day we die our ENGLISH pride stands so high!

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

In Adversity ....


Icelands Volcano special.

Seriously! .. We the people of the UK are well known for our ‘stiff upper lip’ … in everything we do, we never show emotion, now I am talking about massive things here, not trivial things that we loose the plot over, example a man will get flu, BUT he will not jut have flu, he will be dying!! Moaning and groaning, take to bed and complain endlessly, and expect his other half who also has flu to be at his beck and call, it does not matter to him that she is suffering, he for some reason she has a slight flu, that does not compare to his deathly flu.

But in a life and death situation, we Brits do not run around like blue arse flies, we visually pull our selves together and get on with it, you can throw anything at us, literally, and when we are in that ‘mode’ we will not show emotion.

Everyone else will run in the opposite direction, and try to avoid a bad situation, men much quicker than women lol and children come to think of it, because obviously they will be far worse off than the latter two!

Through history, we have been well known that in the thick of it, we will stand our ground, and not bend under any circumstances. This proves that although a small country in comparison to most around the world, and an Island to boot, and lets face it, bigger will always think they can beat the hell out of smaller, but the smaller will stand firm, take a beating then come back and win the war! Literally!
No I am not war mongering, I honestly do not like bloodshed of any kind, especially my own, I pass out, and then end up in an even bigger mess, ask my head what happened when I accidentally stabbed my hand .. Yes collapsed in a heap cos of blood spraying all over, but went backwards, hitting my head on the marble worktop behind me, knocking myself out, leaving me with having to have 5 stitches in my hand and the same in my head :P so no need to accuse me of the war thingy, if I do go on the warpath you will know about it :O

Am I making any sense here? Let me explain, the Iceland volcano, that has been gushing since March 20th, a month now, and for nearly a week, the UK has been on air travel lockdown! Yes because the muck that has been spewing from the volcano has dire consequences on aircrafts flying at low altitude, messes it up big time, I will not go into the ins and outs of what most people would not understand cos then I will be asked questions, this is not Q&A time, I don’t have the time for that ….. Trust me.
Anyhoo, you can look on the net for videos of what is happening with the volcano, and do you know that other things also happen within and around a volcano when in full spewing mode .. Nature has a way of showing us what it is capable of, lightning is one, yes you can visually see flashes of it in and around a volcano, awesome sight! All sorts of things will go on when a volcano is off on one.

So brings us back to why I am going on about this, because, holiday makers from the UK and Ireland have been stranded abroad, now in my books that’s not such a bad thing, especially if you are in a lovely hot place, where you can sit on the beach all day chilling, I could max out my cards no probs hehehe
BUT it seems some people are moaning that they need to get home, and go to work or what other things they are missing out on in the normal every day lives, and because no flights are allowed to land in the UK the prime minister and the powers that be came up with a solution, oh yes! Send in the navy!!! Good grief as one main newspaper said, its like D-day 70 years ago! Even flotillas of dinghy’s are helping people get back to the UK, I jest not here peeps!
People are flocking to all ports in France, Spain and other sunny places, in the hope of hitching a ride on a Navy ship, that is probably filled to the bows’ with all sorts of explosives!! hahaha

(1) Why would anyone PUT themselves IN harms way? (see ship & explosives)
(2)WHY more to the point would you not wait it out and fly back?
(3)WHY would our Prime Minister do this ludicrous thing, in ‘helping’ holiday makers get back?

More importantly .. WHY, would anyone in their right mind want to come back to a country that is clouded over with all this muck?? You cant tell me that it does not have some sort of affect on us people!

The theory to all the above why’s??

Answer to (1) & (2) Because no matter what the risk, in these circumstances we are drama queens, oh woe is me I have to get to work or I will get fired! I have to get back because the kids have to be back at school! (even breathing in ash), I have to get back because I can not afford to stay. I have to get back because my family are worrying about me! Really?

Or is it just because you want to tell your envious friends you hitched a ride on a Navy frigate filled from bow to stern with all sorts of explosive materials!

Com’on! Your family worry? Would it not be the other way round? Surely YOU being stranded in another country would make you worry about your family and friends stranded in the UK breathing in all the muck? No? you still want that ride a?

And then we have answer to (3) why would our prime minister at the tax payers cost send in the Navy to ‘rescue’ our holidays makers? Who I might add, still went abroad even though they knew that this volcano went up in the air on 20th March!! And the winds being unpredictable .. And sods law that its going to happen to us when the chips are down!

BECAUSE its coming up to the general election!! He will do anything to try and get as many votes he can for his wearying party .. That is up the swanny without a paddle! And STILL IS, even with the rescuing! LOL tsk why oh why does old Gordy think so little of us mere people with no brains??

What would I do? I said I would max out my card and stay out of this country .. But then again, I do not really want to be here in the first place .. So any excuse will do for me hahaha

Anyone willing to whisk me of to sunny climates? ….. On a posh cruise ship of course!! lol

Laters Tatty xx

*rolleye* generated.

Friday, 12 February 2010

Happy stay in hospital??

Well, did you?

How many of you have had a stay in hospital? For how long? Do not tell me what for … unless you want to that is.

I ask because as some of you know, I am waiting for two separate operations … NHS! :O yes I know, don’t say it lol

So I am sorry for those of you who have not had the pleasure of our NHS system, yes sorry because then you would appreciate the private sector of it even more!
The NHS hospitals, waiting for appointments, going in, getting prepped for surgery, you are so lucky if you go right in and have your surgery done, and wake up later knowing that the endless waiting has gone now.
BUT for the others not soo lucky, you know the drill, those who have been there .. The sight you do not want to see, the ’sister’ comes along and say’s ‘sorry, but an emergency has come up, you will not be having your operation today’ … now this may be followed with ‘so we are sending you home, and will let you know when we can fit you in’ .. or … ‘we will try and fit you in later on today, or worse first thing in the morning’.

Now we all know, you are not allowed to eat or drink anything for 12 hours before an op, so if it is the latter you have been told, you sit there, starving hungry, thirsty, and you can smell the lunch that has been delivered to everyone else, who are now sitting in view stuffing their faces!!! If you are then told at 6pm that you will be first in the morning, you are soo hungry, you shovel what food they give you so quickly, it makes you feel ill .. Then you have to starve for the next morning, and your new surgery time!

If you was given the first of the ‘sorry’s’ you will have to wait for that relaxation drug they gave you to wear off .. Then you go home, and wait, now this can happen up to 3 times!! Yes I jest not .. After the 3rd they have to stick with the arrangements for your operation .. It think this is still norm, if not please do not shoot me … I do not want to be told ‘sorry but we cannot operate ……..’ lol

So, this morning, Dave from my pharmacy came to deliver my meds, we always have a quick chat, and I was telling him that, 2 days ago the hospital had called about my nose operation, and that if I answered the questions they ask me correctly, as long as I do not have anything serious wrong with me, like heart problems etc, they will send me to a private hospital in London for my op!! WOW!! The reason I was picked for this is .. No! I had not won the hospital lottery for that day hehehe but because while filling in the form for my op, I had ticked that I would be willing for the surgery at short notice … so the lovely nurse asked me the questions, at the end of them, she announced that I had passed … best exam I had ever taken, with a 100% score hahahah and she would forward my details to the private hospital, and they will be in touch within 3 weeks! Wow better than the 3 month or more wait I would have had!
So I am now waiting for that call .. If I suddenly vanish, you know why, they have come to take me away …

So, while saying this to ‘Dave the delivery man of meds’ … we both said that it would be soo much better, as I would more than likely have a lovely room all to myself, now this brought back memories for not just me, but for Dave as well, we both had been in hospital before, and both had the same experience … yes … mixed wards!!!! :O
For those of you who have never had this while in hospital, you are lucky! Me and Dave exchanged stories, his was … he had a heart problem, and while he was seriously ill, he was in a small 4 bed ward all men … as he got better they moved him to a ward of 16 beds, all women!! Now I know any man reading this will think … YAY!!!! BUT not so, because you know what people are like, the ’war-wounds’ have to come out, all these women wanted to show poor Dave their scars …. Hahahah yes even on their legs .. Quite high up!! Omg!
He said he was having nightmares, and was soo happy when he was let out … he celebrated lol

Well, I told him that mine, was that I was put in a ward, and either side of me, was two old men … look I was only about 29 at the time … these men were in the 60’s or more, so it really was not a pleasant experience! … and the disgusting noises that came from them .. Especially during the night was terrible … the smell also!!! OMG terrible. I will probably have nightmares now tonight because I have remembered this!

Thing was, if you asked why they had done the mixed ward thing, they all come out with different answers .. None of which made any sense at all!!
So you can imagine, I am not really too happy about going into hospital if this practice is still going on.

But I did come up with a theory as to why they started these mixed wards on the NHS … and we all know how hard pushed it is, in all departments, the only person making any real money doing their job on the NHS is the ‘area manager’ yes while the poor staff are swilling out bedpans, the contracts they get, are soo mind boggling, they do not even have to be doing a good job, because in their contract even if they get sacked they will get a nice big golden payout as compensation!! Go figure??

But the one and only reason why these mixed wards came about … was to get YOU out of hospital quicker!!

Mixed wards benefited NO ONE!! But, the NHS, what would have kept you in hospital for about a week some years ago .. Now is down to the lovely stay of 24 hours if you are lucky!! You are normally now given a ‘what to do’ sheet of paper, and a list of things that may go wrong, if it does what to do, which may end up with you back in there .....

Would you go back to that mixed ward??? NOOOOO! lol

Lets face it, you hate being in mixed wards, you do not lay in bed feeling sorry for yourself, because you are too busy trying to get yourself up and about and outta there … making space for the next poor bugger, who does not know about mixed wards.

Question for you at this point, do you try and leave a secret note for the next person, in the bedside cabinet under the mattress or anywhere you can think of … noooo you suffered, so they must!! Lol

So yes, while I am extremely happy that I will now be going to a private hospital … I now wish that they would get both op’s done at the same time, in that private hospital, one because saves beds for the future, two I will be in a better place … and three I will not know which part to hold cos it hurts soo much, pain diversion rules!! Haha

Laters Tatty xx

*roll eye* generated.

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Kayakoy - Turkey ....

Kayakoy … Turkey

I know this is not my usual thing that I talk about, but some of you know that I was in Turkey for a while, and I wanted to share with some of you a spectacular place I was always at … you really should be there to really appreciate it, BUT these photos on the link will give you a very good idea of it. A very good friend lives there, as do a few others, but it is protected so they cannot change anything of the ‘homes’ but they can obviously make it very nice, as my friend did with his home .. It is sweet and adorable … he also has a hotel, the picture above is the pool and bar area, where live bands play, this used to be a field, but he still had to stay within low building.

It is an eerie place, very quiet, mainly goats bleeting, its like you can touch the ‘past’ and imagine how it was to have lived there in that time soo long ago.

I loved it there purely for them reasons, I took lots of my own photos, but the link is far better and each picture is described with emotion and awe, just as I would like to express it (saved me a job really) LOL

So read below, and look at the pictures, I know you will love them just as much as me, please let me have your thoughts, I would love to hear what you think.

The history of Kaykoy - Turkey.

The earliest recorded name of the city is what is no the Kaya Valley was Karmilassos, a Lycian city probably of minor importance within the federation. Most remaining signs of that city are seen today in the north of the valley but there are several tombs still surviving amongst the houses of what is now called Kaya.

Between the Lycian and the current Turkish names, the town called Levissi and became an important town on the Turkish coast. The original Levissi (actually "Lybysium" at the time) had been the island we now call St Nicholas or Gemiler Island. It is thought that the Greek speaking Christian population fled the island around 700AD as the coast fell into the hands of pirates and raiders. They fled to the hidden and easily defended valley just a mile or two inland and there they settled in comparative safety.
There are few remains from that early settlement left, the ruins you see today date from just a few hundred years ago.
The new Levissi prospered and grew, and on a map by John Speed dated 1626, Levissi is distinctly annotated but Megri (Not renamed Fethiye) not at all.

At its peak, the town had about 2000 houses, two large churches, 3 or 4 small churches and perhaps 30 chapels. There were half a dozen shops, a printing press producing a local newspaper and two schools. The buildings and the roads improved over the years as did the water supply. Most houses collected rainwater from the roof to be stored in cicterns holding from 4-8 ton of water. The public suplly came from Hisaronu, first in covered channels, then in clay pipes, ald latterly in steel pipes. That water fed several tanks and at least 4 public fountains, two of which still in use today.

Levissi continued to prosper until the end of the first world war when, for reasons too complicated to be properly covered here, civil war broke out between the Greek and the Turkish populations of western Anatolia. There was no recorded fighting in this region but many of the young men of Kaya went to the front and never returned.
The founder of modern secular Turkey was Kemal Ataturk and it was he who led the Turks to victory and drove back the Greeks.
The British brokered a peace treaty in September 1922 and as a solution to remaining tensions the treaty of Lausanne in 1923 agreed an exchange of populations based on religion. Some 1,200,000 Greek speaking Christians were to be sent to Greece whilst 400,000 Turkish speaking Muslims were displaced from the Macedonia region of Greece to be resettled in Turkey. In the months following the treaty, many of the Greeks left voluntarily, some to Greece proper and some to Kastelorizon and on to Australia.

Following the treaty, the compulsory (but not violent) eviction of the remaining Greeks took place and the valley was left with only the peasant farmers scattered around the valley overlooked by a "Ghost Town".
Attempts to settle the folk from Macedonia failed, only a handful stayed in the valley; those people had been farmers and needed land. They may also have been influenced by rumours that the Greeks had poisoned the wells.
The roofs of the houses were of straw and mud and without regular maintenance were prone to weather damage, one by one they collapsed beginning the slow deterioration of the houses. Some timbers were no doubt pilfered but the death blow came with the earthquake of 1957 after which the local government gave permission for the local farmers to use the remaining timbers for reconstruction. The use of stone in vernacular architecture is rare in Anatolia so over the years the beautifully built, but slowly decaying town became known as The Stone Village or Kayakoy.

In the mid 1980's the Government recognized the importance of Kaya as an historical site and it is now protected as such.

This may give you some insight about me, I may be mischievous at times, but I do know beauty when I see it, along with the historical factors in most cases.

I really hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed showing this to you, if you ever get to Turkey .. This is one of the places you must see, along with the ‘fairy’ place …. Another story!

link ...

(copy and paste into browser)

Laters Tatty xx