Wednesday, 28 September 2011


I have had an account with facebook since around 2006, on August 25th 2011 they all of a sudden disabled my account, because it was a 'a fake' profile/name.

Now, regardless of numerous emails i have sent them, they reply with the same thing, but even in saying that, they will not unblock my ability to be able to change my name for it to even comply within their rules!


ONE - I explained right from the first email facebook, that i have been a victim of ID THEFT on the internet, the POLICE have even told me NOT to have MY FULL NAME on any website!

TWO - My Tatty RagDoll, and any other designs i have,are all in MY LEGAL  name TATTY. i have had no sales since facebook changed my name, because people do not recognize me as the designer if i post from facebook, where links posted will go to other sites .. will you rebate me loss of earnings?

THREE - The security settings leave a lot to be desired on facebook, we ALL know this, the TRACKING cookies YOU have, fringe our privacy, YOU facebook have NO right to know what other sites i use in MY computer! how many laws are you breaking so far?

FOUR - want me to carry on? i can, you keep saying, about privacy settings BUT if MY ONE name is blazoned across facebook and the internet, NO AMOUNT of setting i do with suffice .. get real! YOU MARK ZUCKERBERG are responsible for this, you have put me at risk!

FIVE - Hands up who has an account for their pet ... awww very sweet Mark Zuckerberg .. i will open one for my kitteh (cat) ... she has her own passport, so that will be ok and within the rules of facebook ...will you  close down that account? ..

SIX - i can still carry on, The fact that i am housebound, disabled, and the internet is my lifeline for everything YOU facebook, totally disregard the fact! seems humans have no rights, animals, which i love, trust me, i have rescued them abroad etc .. animals have more rights, same as it looks like prisoners have more rights than the elderly and poor disbaled! think about that one!


This is a theory blog ... i really should not be doing that on this one, as it is a serious matter to me, and others in my situation as regards to facebook rules ..

but just for the hell of it, the theory is ...

ONE - DO NOT be a victim, be the instigator, seems you get better thought of, look at the bad profiles/pages/groups on facebook, that are allowed to ply the dirt/anger and everything else with no problems!

TWO - Whatever you do, keep your advertising away from facebook ... it will do you NO GOOD!!

THREE - Make sure you have two computers, one for facebook, one for everything else, make surer you have a really good false ID before registering any social site, they only cost a few hundred pounds (UK) which is far less destroying and more cost worthy than if you fall to internet ID theft!

FOUR - AGAIN go see someone about a fake ID passport/ driving licence.

FIVE - Go to your vet, get all the necessary things done that will give you a passport for your pet .. then registrar your pet on facebook, it is within the rules people!!

SIX - DO NOT get the police involved facebook do not appreciate anything they have to say on YOUR OWN security! instead call the RSPCA or the equivalent in your country, report facebook for abusing your legal rights. Also the protest that all our elderly and poor disabled change places with prisoners, prisoners get better treatment than our elderly!! thats a fact! think about it, who spouts out about human rights' more than anyone else!

I could still carry on ... but, will this make a difference? maybe IF YOU LOT OUT THERE POST THIS BLOG ALL OVER THE WORLD!!!  or ... click the 'reshare' button if you are on facebook, or any social site ...

Then maybe, not only can we get social sites to take notice of our rights to our name and want to be know as, whats so hard in asking to registrar in our own name, prove it, then use a 'nick name' problem solved! 

AND our elderly/poor disabled get better treatment ... if thats the only good that comes from this hard work blog i have just spent all of an hour on .. then i will be happy ...


Tatty xx

Sunday, 22 May 2011


OK Raptors ...or is it Rapturers? *Yawn* Excuses excuses ...

You need to leave so I can claim my house(s) and car(s)! And remember ascended ones ... leave the keys to the car(s) and house(s) under the mat, leave your wallet in an obvious place, AND be sure to write down your ATM pin number so I can support myself in the style which I would like to become accoustomed to!

Thank you! and Thanks Laurel!

Tatty xx

Friday, 20 May 2011

Needs a tool for a screw...

Yes innocent enough question, and looked how that went with the answers ... Oh names have been 'rubbed' out some, to protect the 'innocents' :S lol

Laters Tatty xx

Monday, 10 January 2011

Storey line in soaps .. UK

Storey line in soaps ..

The past month …

Has been soo many bad storey lines in UK soaps!

I never do this blog to be serious, BUT what has been happening is not really on! They all know what each other is doing, so they try their best to ‘outdo’ each other so to get the best ratings!

At the expense of peoples feelings!

You know what .. Losing a baby kills you! In a part of your heart you die!

Showing a mother, and her baby die, then swapping a friends baby .. Good grief!

Double knife edge for a mother grieving.

A woman being raped! Then trying to keep it from her other half .. Yes it happens.

Especially when you have been drinking!, YOU think it is your fault! You think because you have been drinking, you gave out something that the bloke misconstrued. YOU blame yourself, so you hide it as best you can.
What is worse is, the ordeal that, you are drugged in some way, then someone you thought a friend, does things, and you do not remember, you wake up nearly 24 hours later, and you wonder what has happened? Some things come back .. But mainly, you hide it all . You try and hide all the bruises, you are quiet and no one knows why?

You, still see that person walking around as if nothing has happened, but when they look at you, it’s a ‘smug’ grin that you see, because he knows you have said nothing! .

You feel ashamed, even though it is not your fault!

How many of you reading this, will know what I am saying? How many of you, til this day have never said anything? How many told ONE person who you could trust? But promised them never to say a word, because you feel at fault?

How many times, do you cringe and cry at what you see on TV, sob because YOU cannot do anything about it.

Why, do these TV shows think, a dead baby, a rape, a swap, is good for showing real life? To make others not having this happened to understand? I do not think so.. Most people say ‘well these people affected can turn off!’ and not watch … really? Is that an answer to give these people? Seriously?

No feelings for others is a sad thing, no empathy, towards people who are hurting, that is really sad ….

What is worse .. Is living with all this .. And not saying a word …..

To anyone.

I cannot post a picture to this blog .. NO picture will ever explain.