Thursday, 31 December 2009
New Years Eve 2009/2010 ....
AND ….. Drum roll .. Ddrrrrrrrrrrr
My Kitteh’s birthday!!! She is 3 today!! Woohoo
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Kitteh Tatliiiiiiiiim
Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuu
She says .. ‘fank ou vewy much! My mummy brought me to her house on the 30th December a year ago, and I have not looked back since, she came and got me from the rescue place I had been in for 6 months, with the 4 months old kitties I had, my previous mummy, did not look after me very well, and by the time I got pregnant for the 3rd time, I was exhausted! And very thin. I was very young when I had my first litter, just about 6 months old, the mummy then did not bother to take me to the vets to have me spayed, I would have welcomed that operation with open paws, it would have saved me a lot of heartache, I can tell you!!
So with the 3rd pregnancy on the way, that mummy left me at the rescue place, where I was fed and ok, but I was not allowed outside the cage, so me and my litter was there until the Christmas came, it was just before xmas that I first saw my new mummy, at the same time was another 2 people looking at me, as others had been before, but for some reason I was waiting for someone special, so I was growling at the other 2 people, my new mummy was behind them, they 2 walked away saying I was nawty, but my new mummy looked at me, and we knew we was meant to be together, she had been grieving for her animals that she had lost, I was sad because I just wanted a safe place, and I could see that this new mummy had a lot of love to give, so I purred at her, she gave me a cuddle, then I heard her say she wanted to take me home .. So on 30th December 2008 she came and got me, I was scared at first, but I could see my new mummy had got me lots of new stuff to play with, pee in, and lay in … but you know what? She did not mind me being with her and wanting lots of cuddles, she is always with me, she plays with me, and has taught me lots of cool tricks!! And I love it!!
Thank you also to mummies friends who always say hi to me, when they see me online, when mummy is out of the room, msn is soo funny!!
MY mummy is the best, I am the happiest kitteh in the world!!’
Tatlim dictated that to me LOL as she does with everything, dictates!! Feed me, change my lit tray, comb me, give me a treat!! it’s a never ending circle hahah
What kitteh is trying to say is, when you take an animal on, it is a very big responsibility, you have to treat that animal like a child, it depends on you for everything!! Do not bring endless litters into the world that cannot be homed, have it spayed! You be good to that animal, it will love you forever and give you soo much joy! So think about what you are doing, ALWAYS!
Some of you know already, that in the new year I will be trying to get a special project off the ground, and I hope if I do, that I can ask for your support. It is for people in my situation, I broke my neck in two places some years ago, and have different problems, health and money wise, I do not want to go into it too much at the moment, but its about time, I helped others like me. So watch this space.
On reflection, the past year has been a chore at times, BUT I have some lovely friends, online I am talking about now, who have helped me no end, who have cuddled me in their own way, and cheered me, in return, I hope I brighten their lives, I know I am ditty and mischievous at times, but if I can make someone laugh or just smile that makes my day!
Making people smile is my way of coping with the pain I am in 24/7, it is very true, laughter is THE best medicine, so if you are down, feeling ill, for whatever reason …
Smile, it always makes others wonder what you have been up to!!
Just doing that, will make you shine within.
So happy birthday to my kitteh, Happy New Year to you!!
I hope 2010 brings you everything you deserve, and wish you health, happiness, peace, love and enough wealth to make sure you do not go without!
Never wish for the impossible, the smallest will always be possible.
Go to this link, it is soo very true!! People come into your life for a reason.
You may have to copy and paste, but it sums it all up!!
And to finish on a smile ….
Paddy had been drinking at his local Dublin pub all day and most of the
night celebrating New Years Eve. Mick, the bartender says,
'You'll not be drinking anymore tonight, Paddy'.
Paddy replies, 'OK Mick, I'll be on my way then'. Paddy spins around on his stool and steps off.. He falls flat on his face. 'Shoite' he says and pulls himself up by the stool and dusts himself off. He takes a step towards the door and falls flat on his face.
'Shoite, Shoite !'
He looks to the doorway and thinks to himself that if he can just get to the door and some fresh air he'll be fine. He belly crawls to the door and shimmies up to the door frame. He sticks his head outside and takes a deep breath of fresh air, feels much better and takes a step out onto the sidewalk and falls flat on his face.
'Bi' Jesus.... I'm fockin' focked,' he says.
He can see his house just a few doors down, and crawls to the door, hauls himself up the door frame, opens the
door and shimmies inside.. He takes a look up the stairs and says 'No
fockin' way'.
He crawls up the stairs to his bedroom door and says 'I can make it to the bed'. He takes a step into the room and falls flat on his face. He says 'Fock it' and falls into bed.
The next morning, his wife, Jess, comes into the room carrying a cup of
coffee and says, 'Get up Paddy. Did you have a
bit to drink last night ?'
Paddy says, 'I did, Jess. I was fockin' pissed. But how'd you know?'
'Mick phoned . . . you left your wheelchair at the pub.'
Laters Tatty xx
*rolleyes* generated
Monday, 28 December 2009
Christmas day special ...
Now I really do have to be careful with this, and I will change names to protect the innocent .. I am innocent of course, it’s the others, they make me do the things I do, cos they are boring, or just not doing anything, so I have to get a reaction of some sort …
So .. It all starts with me being picked up by the two old people that are close relations, I will call these two ‘D’ (male) & ‘B’ (female) .. We head off to Kent, where ‘B’ had put the bird in the oven earlier, so that it would be ready to take with us to ‘Dot’s’ for our actual Christmas dinner.
When we arrived at said D & B’s house it smelled loovely! Makes a cup of tea, B takes bird out of oven to check it, and then a little storey comes out about this bird, apparently, B had bought it, and picked it up out of the place in the store, where it said ‘TURKEYS’ .. now this bird cost £28!!!! Yikes!! It was not until Christmas morning when the bird was brought out of fridge to be put in oven that the actual label on the bird said ‘CAPON’ ….. not a turkey LOL no turkey for us this Christmas!! Hahaha
Thing was also, I think the bird had shrunk! and for the price that was paid for it, I would have thought it would not fit into the oven!! BUT, Certainly did not look big enough to feed 7 of us, and B did say it was much bigger before it went into the over, so I think the heat had shrunk it lol also they had told Dot and the doctor, who was down from Manchester, where he is training to be a doctor, about this, that the said bird was not an actual turkey, but not the other couple Pam & Rover, yes I have changed their names …
So with the ‘chicken in disguise as turkey’ done, we heads off to Dots, first time I had met the Doc and he was very nice, so I told them not to say about the ‘chicken in disguise as turkey’ and see if the other two realise …
Anyhoo, Pam & Rover turns up, we all sit down for Christmas dinner, and I am sitting next to the Doc, and with plates loaded, I looked at B and said ..
“this turkey is soo succulent!”
Well the Doc sitting next to me, is trying to contain himself, the two who thought it was a turkey agreed … ohh dear, so all through dinner this is what was going on, about the ‘chicken in disguise as turkey’ and a very lovely dinner it was too .. we never told the 'in the dark couple' about the bird they had just eaten, that they thought was turkey .. we did not want to spoil Christmas dinner for them!! sort of takes the fun out of it all too! Wine was a flowing .. little me was drinking, Dot I was told was a lush, so I stuck with her hahaha
After sitting at that table for nearly 3 hours, we retire to the living room, where ’D’’ had been hiding for the past hour, and was sleeping in the armchair!! So no more said, out came the phones, and video’d him, with someone else in the background doing the snoring noises .. We were falling about!!
More drinks flowed, jokes were being told, you know how it is, then Dot suggests we have a quiz, and to make it fair the two couples will be split, so I was with Rover, Pam with D, and B with the Doc, Dot was the questionnaire person .. And poor old Rover, who had been ill recently and lost a lot of his memory kept apologising to me cos he could not remember the answers, and there was Pam & D, boasting that they will win, well not fair really is it, so I kept telling Rover not to worry, leave it to me, so I started being the funny one, to the amusement of all except the two who wanted to win, I was spoiling their glory, but I was making Rover feel better about it all lol .. So they questions I did not know, I left blank, to be filled in when I had the answers hahaha …. But the question that came up …
‘what was Margret Thatcher’s middle name’
All I could think of was Ogden .. Really weird, but of course when the answers came out her middle name was Hilda, which I must have associated with ‘Hilda Ogden’ out of the soap ‘coronation street’ that has been running for 50 years in 2010!! So of course I told them that and gave Rover and me half a point LOL and then promptly filled in the rest of the answers, so we came half a point behind the two that did win, Pam & D … who were moaning like mad cos I had put them off and cheated!! MOI!!! :O how dare they, how very dare they!! Hahaha
So at the end of a very nice day, we called it a night at 10.15pm, went home, watched coronation street which 'D' had recorded, then headed off to sleep.
I would like to thank everyone, for a very lovely time, Dot for the lovely dinner (and chicken in disguise as turkey) everything was wonderful!! The Doc must have thought I was off my head, but nothing new there then lol
So Happy new Year to them .. And see you lot new years eve, when I will be doing a very special blog for a certain birthday that day … all will be revealed then …
Take care, do not eat and drink too much in the meantime!!
Laters Tatty xx
psst .. the pic is of 'B' & Dot .. not me anywhere cos i was taking the picture :)
*rolleye* generated
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Christmas ... part TWO!!
OMG good really there is not two parts for Christmas!!
Yes I thought you would need some more advice on the matter, lucky you!!! lol
I left you last time with a hangover I think … yes I did, I was drowning my sorrows in anticipation with you hahaha
When I brought up the subject of buying the presents for the children I may have gone a bit far some might say, well not far enough I don’t think! For those of you who have grown up children, think about the presents you bought them to keep them happy AND their mouths shut from the endless tantrum that would have progressed had you NOT bought them presents.
You see, you have to look at it this way, you only have about 7 maybe 8 years before your child’s dreams are squished to tiny little bits, treasure that innocence, I sincerely mean that, and now know there really is no father Christmas, it is their own father and mother buying and laying them presents down, under that sparse tree, cos you have spent every penny on that present that is on the floor … now they wait, until they are a couple of years older and then they hit you where it hurts, IN YOUR POCKET for the deceit of letting them think that Santa clause really did exist!!
Now fast forward a few more years, when your little darling are now grown up and working for a living, (under 22’s are more likely to do the following) now they know and understand how much it cost in the true sense of xmas presents giving, but do they get you an extra special present that cost hundreds of £/$ whatever currency you use? NOOOO you still get that tat that you thought soo cute when they were younger .. Do you still think its cute??
They have spent their money on the latest fashion/cd’s/dvd’s/make-up so there is no money left over for you sweetie .. Selfish or what? You should point out right now for those of you in this situation, just how much you pandered to their needs and left your own behind, and how selfish they are being .. Go on make them feel guilty, tell them what YOU really want, I dare ya!!! All you will get is ….
“you are soo lame, you do not understand me, and how I have to keep up with my friends, THEIR parents don’t complain like you do, and ask for stooped presents that cos soo much money!!” then storm of to their bedroom to sulk to very loud music.
Ohh don’t they?? LOL but brings back memories a?? of course we were born ‘old’! never were their age before! Why are they soo stoopid to not realise this??
And then there is the endless family member who will bah-humbug the whole way through Christmas, or the friend who will belittle you for shopping and talking about this dreadful time, *coughnotmecough*, well actually they started back in September when the shops started their Christmas, you just did not notice it as much.
Trouble is and I have had this conversation with you before in a previous blog about oldies, did you take any notice?? we just think they are getting more grumpy the older they get, come out with all sorts don’t they, BUT really, they have always complained! You just thought when they were younger it was funny, you are laughing at these blogs are you not?? Just wait till I am older, I will go all out hahaha
My dad is THE worlds worse, I may have mentioned this before, about his grumpy~ness, and you know what, I think I must take after him, because NOW I think he is funny!! LOL!! And I join in, but I do tease him, you want to know what I have bought him as one of his presents, a musical xmas tie!! Oohh yes …… AND I am going to make him wear & play it before he gets his nice pressie! Which I will add, I asked what both, dad and step-mum wanted for xmas …. Yes I did, so they both have exactly what they wished for hahaha oohh plus the extra shite like the musical tie! I just have to spoil my little old people after all I have said here hahaha but they do not know about this blog *sniggers behind hands* ..
To add to all this, I hate snow!!! For all of you that live in warmer climates LUCKY YOU! So guess what? it has been SNOWING!! yes snow! The picture above is outside my bedroom window :s Good job I do not go out much, its cold enough inside, let alone go out in it!! I wish I was a bear, then I could hibernate the whole of winter and xmas away! Wake up next spring with a smile on my face .. Well no, that’s not true, when I wake up I am THE worlds worse person, not just grumpy, I am angry for some reason hahha so I suppose if I hibernated then woke up in spring, I would say give it about a week for that angry feeling to drift off into the sunset, then I will have a smile on my face … well as long as it is after I have had a dozen cups of tea, then all should be well with the world, fingers crossed!
So on that note this is where I sign off so you can all go do your shopping .. Whatever that may be …. I will be doing a very special blog, that I will be posting New years eve, because I have a very special someone’s birthday to celebrate that day .. Hopefully with short videos LOL .. Get yer brains outta the gutter!! Hahaha
SO again .. I wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
That is from the heart that, take it now … before I change my mind! Lol
Laters Tatty xx
*rolleyes* generated.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Christmas .. another one ....
And why it needs MY take on it, which probably a lot already agree with, unless you are insane!!
This is the time of year when we all come together, with happiness and joy, where we treat each other with a bit more tolerance than we usually do at any other time of the year.
But why? Why do we not do this all year round?
You will start some of you looking at Christmas from September these days, and as the big day nears you will decorate your home with lovely baubles, tinsel and balloons. You may have the odd raggy angel or tree ornament that is sentimental, and does not really match with anything else, but because its has sentimental value, there it hangs, in all its glory and history.
You may even go and buy the very latest up-to-date accessories for the fashionable tree and matching ornaments that look soo lovely.
But it is YOUR tree, you took the time to lovingly decorate it.
A lot of you will go all out to give your child that pressie that he/she has been asking you for, did we not used to say if you have been good all year then Santa will bring what you wish for?
Just to see the look on their face when they open that lovely present. It could be the latest play station game, doll, Nintendo or board game, but it is what they wanted.
A loved one, your wife or husband, you will try and get them something they do not have already, to show them how much you do care and love them, and appreciate them.
Some I know, do really start to plan their Christmas from January 2nd!! And put aside hard earned money, to pay for the Christmas coming, now that’s what I call planning ahead!
The excuse is, well the January sales I can get it loads cheaper, which is true! But they do it to make sure that all around them at Christmas, really will have a lovely one.
The time of year when hopefully all the family get together and have fun, exchange them socks and hankies, the endless perfumes and men’s after shave, sit and have Christmas dinner together, pull them crackers, put on the silly paper hats, because its all in the fun and spirit of Christmas!
You all have your own way of celebrating this lovely time of year, to make is just as special as the last, one that will last a life time of memories.
Merry Christmas to you ALL!!
On the other hand people who know me have probably read the lot of dribble above that I have just written and thought I had lost the plot!!!!
CHRISTMAS does not start in September!! There should be a law when you can only see any sign of it when the month has a ‘D’ it starts with and the numbers ‘20-something’!!!!
I do not want to see the adverts on TV on Christmas half way through the year! I am still trying to get my head out of the last one, 6 months previous! Jeez!
WHY do you put up that Christmas tree and the decorations in November??? To hide the dust that is already there and will accumulate behind it all for the next 6/8 weeks?? Cos lets face it they will not come down until the middle of January! Tsk not very clean are you?? All them dust bunnies lol
Why oh why do you people put yourself in debt to give your ungrateful lazy children, now I am talking about 7/8 above now, they should be helping with chores round the house to EARN their pocket money and the Christmas present they soo desire, this is teaching them that they have to work for what they want on life, not live beyond their means on credit and store cards. Trust me, you will be doing them a favour, they may not realise this now, lol but ....
Give them something they can learn from, like coloured pencils and drawing paper, and books … OK who threw the tomato???
Look at your child, have they really been good ALL year? Do they deserve that expensive present? That costs an arm and leg?? Think about it.
What ends did you go to get that present that the manufacturers so handily let run low on stock?? More to the point, how much did you actually pay for it because you could not get it for love or money and did not want to see them tears on Christmas day .. Why can they not wait the extra 3 days later when you will be able to get it at the proper price!!!
Do they really need the very latest ‘PS8’ (whatever model number it may be now) that was only the very latest last year??? And still in good working order.
Fed up with your loved one?? Get that extra special pressie, that not many others will have, do they like jewellery? buy the life size chain and pendant … go to the local ship yard, the salvage part of it, and find the biggest, rusty old anchor you can find, with chain already attached, if they complain when they open it … you know what to do with it, don’t you!
AND then we have Christmas dinner … nightmare or what?? Relatives turn up with cheap tat that they probably had as a present last year, and now passing it on to you! Truthfully now …. How many of you have done that? *cough* ok I will stick my hand up Hahahah I even save wrapping paper for re-use, I even have a home made recipe for hangovers, and its cheap!!!
How many bottles of that cheap nasty ‘perfume’/ ‘au-de-toilet’ can one person have, that will later do a very good job of cleaning the limescale in the loo.
Who uses hankies these days?? The germ ridden squares of cotton that should be burned or even better ‘nuked’ for the health of the rest of mankind.
Why oh WHY do you all stuff yourselves silly to the point that you feel so ill you fall asleep (men mainly do this, cos you leave the clearing up and all that shite to the little woman) until the next round of turkey sandwiches, and mince pies (yes mozzie I am watching you).
Why buy all that food and eat in one day, that should probably last you the next TWO MONTHS!!
I have an endless list of all the stuff of why Christmas is a test on how strong your nerves are .. Or how near to an actual breakdown you are! lol
My theory on all this?? There is one, read between the lines of the above, and then read below ……
Where does all the sanity go at this time of year????
I will tell you where, the bottom of that wine bottle or whatever alcoholic drink you are drowning yourselves in hahahah
No wonder you need to drown your sorrows, thinking about that credit card bill that will drop through your letter box at the end of January. :O Lol
Merry Christmas to you all …. Sincerely, no really I mean it! Hahaha
& Happy New Year 2010!!
Laters Tatty xxx
*rolleyes* generated
Ps. Sorry for the lack of blogs the past couple of months RL got in the way, new year will show more of these! AND there may be a part 2 to this, I don’t know yet …..
Saturday, 29 August 2009
In the year 2029 ...
Which is only 20 years away, how do you see it? What do you think it will be like to live 20 years from now?
Fewer cars on the road due to the exhaustion of fuels, electricity will be solar or wind generated for all, airplanes a thing of the past?? Or the main form or transport?
As someone who hardly moves outside, I have reasons people, its not cos I am lazy!! Hehehe I think I can honestly say just thankfully for online shopping and browsing for whatever you want, I would be well up the creak without a paddle otherwise, and would have to rely on others to get all my stuff, like food!!
When I came back from living abroad, and got myself this place I am living in, I had to start from scratch, right down to knives and forks! Everything you could possible think of I had to get it, and you know what? It was soo much easier and pleasant buying furniture on the net, no hassle from sale people, able to browse 100’s or places at my leisure, with no carbon footprint in the making, as I did not use cars etc …. it was heaven shopping online and still is.
So this is what I see …
Computers will be the ‘norm’ in every single home, no one even the poorest will be without one.
No ‘shops’ they will be all under one central warehouse units in the major parts of our countries. You will order online from the shop you want to use, and it will come from that place, items will be cheaper, as there are no overheads to pay for in having actual shops.
You will be able to see a virtual vision for your item, if it is clothing etc.
Cars will be only one per household, as run on solar or battery power, with meters car parks to charge them with. Transport will be far better for the public, and faster.
Mostly everything will be recycled, you will be fined if you do not recycle!!
Recreation, will be in ‘centre’s’ too, everything you can possibly think of will be under one roof. Cinemas, fitness, swimming you name it, it will be there.
The only one thing that will be ‘stand alone’ is the pubs/bars/clubs, this is because we are still individuals, and really not liking what the next person may.
Hospital’s will be smaller, for simple procedures and ill’s, and main hospitals, in the larger cities, and counties for major ill’s.
This will make far better appointments for everyone, no waiting times!
No one will smoke! Lol that’s a good thing surely hahaha
Prisons will be on offshore rigs, to make it harder for the luxuries they have now, as they do in the west … now that is a good thing!!!
Housing for all, even seabed complex’s or ‘islands’ for those that can afford to live there, more people working at home, only manual workers will be travelling to work.
Banks will be a thing of the past, one main office block, will suffice for all your banking needs … cash points will do everything, from money to making appointments to see your given bank in person, at your nearest building complex.
I could go on and on, pointing things out, that will be the brighter future … showing how more positive our time will be spent …
And my theory on all this lovely brightness??
If you believe most of that garbage up there ^^ you need your head testing, the shopping online may well be the truer of it all, but as far as the rest goes … greed will still be uppermost in some peoples minds, they do not care about earths resources, they only care what lines their pockets … MONEY!!
I kid you not lol this is why most projects are thrown to the wayside, because the ‘bigwigs’ will not make as much money!! Shame on you lot!! Lol
But if someone out there, feels they need to offload a shed load of money, going to a good cause, and sponsor my very simple needs, my bank details are ……
Laters Tatty xx
*rolleye* generated
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
SORRY!!!!! .....
So sorry!!! ….
Well I am sorry at the beginning, will have to wait and see how it goes as I get near the end.
Well we hear this practically every day, don’t we? I am saying sorry because, since the last time I spoke to you, I have had swine flu!! And then my internet went down for two days!! OMG!!! I was nearly in tears … I knew it was nothing to do with my end, as I have a ‘map’ of connection, so I can see where the problem is at a glance, the map shows my ….
My pooter >> router >> internet
And there was a horrible red cross between router and internet, the router was working fine, just the internet had deserted me *sobs* so I called my provider (*coughskycough*) they went through all the stuff I had just done, I am not stooped, I may be blonde but I do know my pooter stuff, but she insisted that we went through all this stuff, no joy! Now there was a surprise.
So she pass’s me onto the next section, as I found out from this section, the first section is to see if the problem was my end … tsk *rolleyes* now this section was to connection .. Yeeess ok explain to me mister, so we went through some other check points of his on his list, still no joy, now I am not happy, the mister tells me he can do nothing as it is a problem at the exchange, and he will pass the problem on to the right people, and they will get back to me .. “how long will they be?” I ask .. the mister answers “ up to 48 hours” in a voice that would make you think that he is doing you a favour. Well I am sorry … I nearly broke down, and I know my voice was cracking cos he must have felt guilty, cos I explained something to him why I need internet soo badly, and I then had him nearly in tears, so he did say that he would put a note on his report to the next section ..
Anyhoo cut a long story short, I still waited over 48 hours really it was 49.18.23secs yes I was counting believe me lol
Do you want to know what it was? I will tell you, a card needed changing at there end, they changed it the day before (24 hours after me reporting me having no internet) but it needed to be on slow speed for 24 hours, hence why my connection was like going back to the dark ages … yes remember them days? When it was dial up, and you waited forever to get to one site? Yes the dark ages, so they called me and while I was talking to them and online they changed it back to the speed it should be, and now *ding* its even faster now than before lol still was not happy though, cos I was cut off from my lovely ‘net’ friends, and I panicked I can tell you, yes panic attacks cos no internet, do you think that has happened to anyone before? Well I do mean a normal person when I ask this question Hahahah
So since then I have spent most of my time catching up on what I was not able to do in the time I had no internet, I did not realise how much crap I was doing before this happened, I do now though!! I stretch myself very thin by the looks of it, with everything I do, no wonder I am knackered at the end of the day!
And you know, it was only a month ago, that I bought myself a lovely new lappy, as a backup to the one I had in case something went wrong with that one, and I could not fix it … usually I can, but sometimes it does take someone with electric pooter knowledge to sort it, so now I need a back up for my back up by getting some sort of backup internet connection if ever this happens again.
And of course while I am trying to catch up on all the usual stuff I do all over the place, low and behold a site I use then open another site connected to them ‘live cloud’ its called, so now being the curious person I am, I have to go looky … I GET BORED easily ok, so I need new stuff to keep me occupied, seriously!! people start running if they hear the words ‘I am bored’ come out of me lol
Anyhoo, yes so I go to have a look at the new place, and its rather nice really, like a mixture of other well know sites, under one roof, so I will be posting this blog on there as well hahaha see what happens.
Oh yes so, where I am all for change and looking forward, others do not, now, I understand why some people like to stay with what they are used to, but really, it does widen your horizons to try new things, but then again its like talking to my dad on this, as he is still in the very much in the dark ages with everything, so I suggested that for those that do not want to live with and move with the new stuff, that we build a place where you lot can all congregate, and I suggest as I did before we call it ‘Ye old village hall’ … lol you can use it like the old style you are used to, to all your hearts content!!
Another thing while I am on the subject, I do worry about people who do not like change, makes me wonder what else they are stuck in a rut with *rolleyes* *cough* hahaha lol
oh dear I really should not go down that road … so before I dig myself a hole that I have to bury myself in I am off …
Before I do, my theory on saying sorry is .. Some people use it all to readily, they do things that they know they should not but do it anyway, with ‘sorry’ already on their lips ready!!
Now under these circumstances should you except the apology?? Depends on the misdemeanour, really, if its something you can laugh at, by all means accept it, otherwise no, I‘m sorry. *sniggers* at the pun hehehe
But it this instance I do mean it, cos I really did miss lots of people that I have become to know and love.
So to add to all this, another way of looking at this theory, is to get out while you can, before that hole gets waaaay too deep lol
Laters Tatty xx
*rolleye* generated
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Forum mob mentality ....
I know in the past i have joked on my Farm town blog about 'tree trollers' but in this instance, I am talking in a more serious offence toward others
Yesterday I was ‘pounced’ upon by the little ’SK’ forum cronies, which is connected to the farm town game. Now while you all know most of what I say is in jest, and this happened because I started a thread, tongue in cheek, AFTER mine and many friends, neighbours, buddies on my list had been trampled upon by the ‘farm town hacker’, yes there is an actual hacker, for all of you who do not read my farm town blog.
Now this hacker, can only take your crops and tree fruit, all it it still goes into your storage, you still get the full amount of coins for it.
BUT, some people when they see the word ‘hacker’ they think the worse and assume he will the hack into their own computer, then it has to be explained not so in THIS case.
Also a few people do get upset at the thought of all this, I understand that, they report the problem on the ‘SK’ forum. And then its split 50/50 as to whether you get sympathy or vilified for it. I have read some really terrible comments made against the people who have experiences this form of invasion, not nice I can tell you.
Now, because this happened to me, and everyone connected to me, I reported the matter with the ‘jest head’ on this is basically what I started the thread as ….
OMG … OMG … (thread title)
Then inside post …
My farm has just been raped and pillaged by the farm town hacker and so has …
Get the gist? Now not only was this in jest I was using the ‘Queens English’ I am English after all, and using the words in that post in the right context to what I was saying about my trees and crops, of others too, a couple of people even saw the funny side of what I was saying and said so to the people who the jumped on my back, and told me I was upsetting a vilifying those that had been raped in real life!!
As I tried to explain, and I did post exactly the same words on my FB profile, no one turned a hair on it there, I would never want to upset anyone in this case on that subject. One particular person who is well known for making HER point, often wrong I might add, and very restrictive in attitude, would not even read my posts after of what I was saying, I told her, she should go to spec savers and read my post again!! Someone called tom, did actually post the 4 points of the dictionary description of the word ‘rape’ .. and agreed and told everyone that I had it in context of what I was saying ..
“The violent destruction of trees, crops, etc across the countryside.”
Do you think anyone would read and listen to that?? NOOOOO
I even thanked tom, on his post and did say he was wasting his time trying to educate such ignorant people, because at this point I was getting really upset from what people were saying… I ended it with a bang though, which I am not going to repeat here because it is too personal to me. I left the forum, and that is when Farm town crashed, so did the forum, as the devs decided that was the time to sort out the problem with the hacker.
The this morning this is what I walked into on that forum, as the thread I did was deleted and replaced with this one, this is the actual post by the OP …
I understand all the points of view on trees.
Love my trees and love seeing everyone's trees.
I understand the respect issue.
I totally agree with the MY FARM....MY RULES concept.
But people...all this whining and crying about TREE Rapers, and TREE Snipers, and TREE Bandits, andTREE Hackers needs to stop.
Please for the love of thankful for your fingers that allow you to play this crazy game.
Be thankful for the real flowers and TREES God has given us to enjoy.
Be thankful for the bees that give us honey and pollinate our real crops and TREES
Oh yes … plain for all to see the ‘word’ I used .. What do you think the posters replying were saying?? Were they telling this OP she was vile etc?? NO they were no cos it was her friends who vilified me yesterday, so the whole place thought it was now funny!!!
This is my reply
seems like there are various rules on this forum for SOME people ... one day they are slating you about a word, the next, the same word appears, and hey presto!!! it is acceptable???? well not to me, remove that word at once please, i find it very offensive in my situation!!!
i did actually have quite a few people come to my farm and leave messages of support for me after what happened yesterday and i would like to thank all of them for being soo kind, i appreciated the kinds words and wish's, for what i went through some time ago.
must say seems my 'sermon' yesterday seems to have gotten through to some people, but double standards still for others, and before you start jumping on me again, for now 'spoiling' a funny thread ... i seem to remember the funny thread yesterday that was 'tongue in cheek' and in the right context for the Queens English language (noooo, was not a reference to gay people, i have some very lovely gay friends) and then 'ripped' and 'plundered' to shreds do not bother!!
see what happens when you start to think about what you say??? MOST words you write can be misconstrued.
but for those of you who do want to read about forum mob mentality, trolls, etc i will give you the link to the very nice blog i will be writing today, on theories lol but i will warn you, although it is tongue (can i use that word) in cheek (or that, after all it refers to a section of the anatomy some might find offensive) there will be an underlying piece as it resulted in someone self harming because of the abuse HE was getting.
i am off now to enjoy some people who have a real sense of humor.
again most of this post IS in jest.
Why is it that I have to now justify myself? I would not even say that all these people are uneducated, but I will say one thing, they are downright ignorant to others!!
For those of you who have behave like this towards another, think again, yes I did get upset, about this what happened to me, and for very good reasons, BUT not everyone can take it then bounce back as quick as me, and if it is relentless day in day out, stalking from one forum to another, then it will ware a person down, I know of one person who has self harmed this week because of this sort of behaviour, but they actually had the gall to the try and include a very dear friend of mine into this situation, wrong move!!
I could say its just childish and juvenile … but we are talking mostly about grown people, ADULTS!!
I am prepared now, for what will be thrown at me, and ‘snappy dragon’ I hope you or one of your friends are reading this, YOU lot need to sort your heads and yes … get a life!! Outside of making other peoples life miserable!!
I may have posted that what I have said above in that thread, but do you think I will let it rest there? Only difference is, I will go the right way round, I will also report the ‘Mod’, that joined in on this thread, to the appropriate people.
For the others, the trolls, a some like to call these people, who have seen posts on another forum by me in defence of a certain person, you are slowly killing!! … just carry on *wink* … what goes around comes around!!
Rant over .. I am sorry to all you regulars, but sometimes it just needs to be said. This subject hit home over the weekend, so I had to say something.
Normal service will be resumed asap.
Laters Tatty xx
PS .. the picture included the faces that could be seen, have been spotted out to protect the innocent, this was an innocent mob/crowd lol
*rolleye* generated
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Man on the moon 40th Anniversary ...
The very first to step on the moon was Neil Armstrong, with the very famous words of “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”.
The next to step onto the moon was Buzz Aldrin, who described it as “magnificent desolation”.
They spent 21 hours on the moon, and having a kip as well.
This was 20th July 1969.
Who would not want a kip that is one hell of a feat, must take it out of you, I know it would me, the adrenalin rush would have been amazing, no wonder they were tired lol
I remember watching this while in school, it was the most world wide amazing thing to happen in human history.
My school had big TV’s set in 4 different classrooms so we could all watch this making of history.
I have never forgotten that day, even though I was only 3 …. *cough*
Imagine my surprise yesterday that it was the 40th anniversary!! OMG where has the time gone? There is other trivia I could spout at you as far as missions to the moon go, there has been 10 men since then to go to the moon and no women, but none have landed. The last to walk the moon was 1972.
Lots of things have been sent to the moon and probes landed, but no man has walked for 37 years.
And you know, since then think about it, most of us have children, they have grown up with this as a ‘thing that happened’, in history, you know I never have thought to ask my son what he thinks about it, why don’t you ask your children and please let me know, I think that would be interesting.
How much do your children know about all this??
They have said no life would be sustainable on the moon, for varies reasons, gravity being one, unless you have really ton heavy feet you would not be able to stay there lol
Out of all this, I am wondering why have there not been more of us on the moon? In all these years our technology has gone soo far its unbelievable, so why have there not been dozens more people walking the moon? Why have they not built a small manned station there yet?
They say that the USA have got big plans for this, the probes they have there, are for this very reason.
And Russians want to put people on there by 2025 .. ..
But why have they waited all these years, for another man or woman to actually walk the moon?
My theory on this …. Because they did encounter life, oh yes, old Neil and Buzz were told not to come back, and have they been back there?? Noooo
But did we take any notice? Nooo!!!
Even though we sent another mission in 1972, and the life forms then gave them an ultimatum, if we came back again there would be trouble!!
This is why, they must have given them people, something really to think about a? for us to take a big large jump back.
I also think that the reason why we cannot go back is because, the life forms saw how we treated our planet, WHAAT … do you not think they cannot see for themselves what we people are like?
They can see it with the naked eye … the freaking space junk that has gradually got worse over the years around our OWN planet!! And until we can clear up our own mess we are not allowed back to the moon lol and I don’t blame them little life forms, who I call ‘lefs’ *cough*
Why should we go and plant our rubbish on the moon where they live lol cos lets face it, once we get there again, we will leave it behind, cos it would take too much fuel to bring it back. Iots of it, all over the place, our rubbish!!
So before anyone can go back to the moon we have to find a way to clean up our act …..
Yeah … right … Good luck on that one!! Lol
Laters Tatty xx
*rolleye* generated
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Let this be explained first, as there are some of you that will not know what the heck I am going on about, the following information was supplied by Lori, who I was talking to about this yesterday, she lives in the USA so really did not have a clue of what I was talking about so I explained, then, I said go look it up, this is what she came back with ….
Good morning! Well, I looked up closed circuit TV on the computer. I learned a lot I didn't know. I found out that it is much more common in the UK, where there are more cameras per person than in any other country in the world! Approximately one camera for every 14 people! It is much less common in the US. Mostly found in New York and Chicago.
I also read that a 2008 report by UK police chiefs concluded that only 3% of crimes were solved by CCTV.
When we watch a show on TV though, it is broadcast television.
I did my homework for the day.
p.s. Don't pick your nose. Someone is watching!! LOL
end of email --------------------------------------
WHAAT!! I have been caught picking my nose??? Pft I must remember to close my curtains or better still face a wall next time.
See how scary is that? And believe me you can now zoom into peoples front rooms so I have heard, as there was a divorce case not too long ago here, where the wife followed the husband by ‘Google earth’ and actually caught him in the act lol
Beware all you cheating spouses out there!! Hahahaa
that’s not all, now I belong to a new website called ‘RL connect’ something like that, because it was a new site i joined to see what it was all about, then quickly realised that is a real life interaction with other members who know exactly where everyone is!! Yes I had to quickly divert myself from where i was to the middle of a bridge in London lol
How scary is that!!
Well now I received an email from them saying, to upload a photo of me so that if I am out and about others from the site will be able to recognise me and say hello …. WHAAAT!! Do I look stooped? Well no you don’t know how I look cos I would never upload a photo of myself so that some nutter can come up to me and say ….
Stranger ~ ‘Hiya Tatty!!’
Me ~ (with dumbstruck look on my face cos I am trying to remember where i know this person from) ‘wow hello, how are you?’
Stranger ~ ‘ am good thanks so nice to see you, I did not know you lived here?’
Me ~ ‘yes for some time … what are you doing here? ‘ (now I am really struggling to think where and when I last saw this person, could have been in Turkey, I did live there, I came across hundreds of people, so …)
Stranger ~ ‘I was visiting family, but you look nothing like your picture, you are really lovely, the photo does not do you justice!’
Me ~ (now I am thinking I don’t know this person, so where did they see my picture? ) ‘ errmm where did you see the photo of me? I am confused, and that’s not hard to do sometimes lol’
Stranger ~ ‘RL connect!!’
Well, see what I mean!! not only is it dangerous, it is confusing, who wants strangers coming up to them in the street? I don’t!!
Oh by the way, the photo not doing me justice part, I was joking there ya know, thought I would just slip that one in, praise myself up a tad lol
Do you get what I am saying now, about these cameras all over the place, now here in the UK, they are saying its for our own protection, and for the crime blah blah … yeah , yeah carry on, I am not convinced, and look at the stats that Lori has provided there, not doing so good is it? the crime busting thingy!
There are a hundred reasons some people could give as to why these cameras are for our own good, stranger danger, comes to mind, and that is from when I was small! You could never convince me that these in the numbers they are, are for our own good, there must be another reason that there are soo many!!
My theory on that?
Is this …. PERVERTS yes think about it ….
And this is mainly for the men here, which one of you could resist the opportunity to look at something that you are really not supposed to? Lol
Come on hands up!! We all know which part of the anatomy rules your head, I have a very funny joke I tell on that one, want to hear it? Here goes ….
The Lonely brain cell …
There was once a female brain cell, who found herself in a mans brain, a dark empty place, she could not remember how she got there, but she needed to find someone quick.
‘hellooo .. ‘ she whispered …. No answer!
She wandered around a bit more, and was now really getting scared as it was dark and lonely, so she called out again a d bit louder ….
‘helloooo ‘ she said … still no answer!
Now she was really frightened!! All on her lonesome, she shouted this time at the top of her voice ….
And a little voice far far away said back …
‘we’re down here …’
Think about it ……. There! Lol hahahaa says it all don’t it!
So if you live in the UK even if you are in your own home, think about what you do in front of the windows, you could have an audience!!
Laters Tatty xx
PS in the picture, the words on both screens say 'its life john' ... 'but not as we know it'
*rolleye* generated
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Grumpy~ness ...
And is it a ‘mature’ thing?
When I say mature, yes I mean as an age thing, and yes Lori, I remembered the conversation we had about this …. Eventually! Must be the age lol
See the reason I am now thinking about this is because, poppy thought I was younger than she thought, in my 20’s in fact lol!!! Yeeess wish I was sweetie but alas no, not true.
Now poppy thought this because of the way I speak, so to speak, you know, online to her, as I do not know her in RL (real life) she is a very nice cyber friend, as with a lot of cyber friends I have, I have been blessed that I have met these people online, because they are really nice people.
Back to where I was … I am soo easily distracted hehehe yes poppy was thinking I was younger, so when I told her how old I was *cough* she was surprised.
It is true a lot of people think I am younger cos of the way I talk, not silly talk, but funny I suppose, but I have been this way all my life so why would I be different now I am ‘slightly’ older? And I mean think different? Why do, oh dear I need to give the shovel a rest cos of what I am going to say next … why do ‘younger’ people think that us people a year or two ahead (yes that’s better) of them in age, think that we should act and behave in a different way? This baffles me.
Take my dad for instance, now he is a grumpy old man, and everyone knows this, including himself lol he freely admits it, you name it he will moan about it, I think I might have mentioned this before about him, somewhere, he hates Christmas, with a vengence, but see, I agree with him Haahah I am not really a big fan of it, so is this because of an age thing? Or just that his views of Christmas have rubbed off on me? I don’t know, but it must be the later cos I am not grumpy at the moment, well maybe I am in one thing, but I have been like that all my life and I have always openly admitted it, bet your wondering now what it is a? hehehe
It is that I am seriously no good in the mornings, really, I hate mornings! I will give you a snippet of something that happened one morning some years ago ….
A neighbour of mine, because her husband was away stayed at her mothers one night, now she knew about my ‘morning anger’ problem.
Anyhoo I was in bed one morning, fast asleep, when at 7.30 am the phone starts ringing beside me, so I picked it up and said hello, well that sounds polite when I put it that way, but I have a way of saying hello when I get woken up …. But the phone went dead!! So I thought no more of it and turned over, thinking not pleasant thoughts of the person that called me at the hour of the night … look I do not know there is two 8 o’clock in the day ok!
Anyway, the next day, I am at my neighbours house, having a chat, and she asks did I get a phone call early yesterday morning that went dead, I looked at her puzzled and said I had, and how did she know, this is what she said …
Cos she was at her mothers, she had to call home to see of her husband had got home after his work trip, but, she called my number accidently, she realised who it was when I answered and she put the phone down, her mother asked her what was wrong, because of the look on her face, and she said to her mother ….
“yes I had to put the phone down, cos I accidently rang Tatty’s number, and I really did not want to be verbally abused at this time of morning, cos she is not a morning person, and she scares me cos of the stories she has told me about it”
OH MY GOD!!! Lol when she told me I spluttered my cup of tea I can tell you …. Hehe
So that aside … we all know of grumpy people, and probably do know one, but how old is that person? And has that person been like that all their life? Or since they got older.
Well my theory is …
…. NO it is not an age thing, they have always been like that simmering with it, until they get older, so they can use age, as an excuse for being grumpy!!
Think about it ….. Why would people get grumpy when they are older? Do they wake up one morning and think, that’s it, I will be a grumpy old person from today onwards? They must do!
See now older people that do this, have caused me problems!! Cos now I get told by some people that I must act my age!! WHAAAT? At what age must I start acting my age? This will mean I must change myself completely to fall into their category of what a more mature person should act like!
Well trust me when I say this … that’s neeeeever gonna happen, because, I am not acting, this is me, take it or leave it lol
Laters Tatty xx
PS ... I will add, I am not that old, YET!
*rolleye* generated
Friday, 5 June 2009
Cleanliness ....
Or have toilet issues ....
I will tell you first off that I do not have a problem, ok! But I do have certain standards as far as cleanliness goes, and I have had this conversation in full blown honesty one day at my friend jackies bar in Turkey one afternoon.
It started because, in jackies bar, as it is soo small that there is only one toilet, yes know, I hated this, but what can you do, I loved the bar.
Anyhow, I was sitting there with friends one afternoon, and I had just come back from the toilet, now ‘shorty’ asked me why I am always soo long in there, so this is where I went into my ‘overthetop’ mode with what I said heheh and here is it practically word for word, cos I had them in stitches …..
The reason is, cos as there is only one toilet, and I have issues with that, but never mind, cos i never want to share a public toilet with a man, the reason being that, mens toilets smell!, (laughter and denials from the men here) yes they do! No getting away from it, also after a few drinks they tend to miss the place they are supposed to be aiming for (more laughing denials from certain men) yes they do! So you end up with a smelly disgusting toilet, and because I hate public toilets anyway, I have a ritual that I have to do to make sure I do not touch anything in there.
Go to the toilet door close behind me and slide lock over with little finger, *cough* prepare myself to do what I need to and then ‘hover’ over the pan …… stop it I know what your thinking and doing now! Anyhow finish what I am doing, and pull myself together, grab some toilet paper so I can flush without touching the handle.
grab some paper hand towel turn on tap with it, throw towel away proceed to wash hands, grab some more paper hand towel, dry hands and turn off tap with it, with towel still in hand slide back the bolt on the door, turn handle with towel still in hand, throw paper towel into the bin, exit toilet.
Now you tell me what is wrong with that? Now you can imagine everyone sitting with me thinks I am nuts and they are killing themselves as they did not realise I was soo ‘ocd’, so now i have to explain why I do the things I do, goes something like this …..
Hover over toilet cos I do not know when it was last bleached etc, I do this in any public toilet, and again men have been using the toilet , eewww I use toilet paper to flush with cos other people have obviously flushed the loo before they have washed there hands, same with taps that’s why I hold paper tissue while turning on and off, the door bolt and handle? Because some people do not wash there hands after going, and that’s a fact, so I have to use the paper towels so I don’t dirty my hands again making all what I did before a waste of time.
Well, now they are all agreeing with me, cos it is fact what I just said, and I also said, since there was a lot of men sitting at the table, hand up those who went and did not wash there hands while in there, they all put there hands up but I can guarantee you, I named two that did not, as they were too quick in and out lol
Anyone think I am over the top with cleanliness? I do not think so, I think its common sense to do what I do, and anyone who says otherwise I will think they do not wash their hands either hehehe and I will out you!
Whats my theory? It is this, you can never be too clean, I know people say that a few germs never killed anyone … WHAAT? Yes they do!
lol if you are in the category of slobbyness, do not invite me round to your house ok? Cos i know someone and you seriously do not want to have anything to eat there, if you go into the kitchen you would die of shock and horror, and that is just downright lazy.
If I could wait when I was out to go to the ‘WC’ until I got home I would, that’s how bad I am about public toilets.
Laters Tatty xx
*rolleye* generated
Monday, 1 June 2009
Brain transplant?
Yes! I think I need one!
Noooo, not to get rid of mine, to put MY brain, into, another fitter body, not that there is anything wrong with mine on the outside, ohhh tsk I am digging myself into a hole here … look just take it from me, I need to have my brain put into another body.
I was talking to a friend about this not long ago, she was saying that it sounded like a good idea, an excellent idea in fact, well, at first it seemed a good idea! Cos as we carried on talking about it, the more problems we came across.
Where I have to say there is nothing wrong with my brain, well I might forget some things sometimes, usually I find it is the trivial stooped things I forget, very rarely something important. so do you think we forget things, because there is already a lot crammed in there? I admit I have a massive amount of useless information crammed in my brain, with the odd bit of intelligence thrown in *whistles* …. So if my brain is crammed already with all this stuff no wonder I am going to forget some things, I do actually tell people this if I forget something, it goes something like this ….
Other person ~ “Tatty, it was my birthday last week, not today!”
Me ~ “tsk, oh FGS, why do I forget these things all the time, heheh you know what it is, I have soo much stuffed into my brain, that I have to shift some stuff out, and I am sorry that it was your birthday, that it chose to kick out and think it was trivial!” lol
Usually, I get some sort of reaction from that statement, that results in me being forgiven, after all the person is usually laughing by now.
Back to the transplant, so what would we need if we was looking for a new body to put our brain in? see now this is hard, cos on the outside I have been happy with it, so it would be pretty difficult, I am not saying I am the most beautiful person walking, but I have been told I am not bad, so what do I head for hahahah sorry for the pun, I mean what do I aim for? Another thing is my hair, always been very long and naturally blonde, not many people can say that can they, now you are thinking I am vain, but I am not … really! I am far from it.
Now i am thinking, would my brain actually be happier in another body, if I am not completely happy with it? And obviously I do need to be happy about the situation, well the answer would have to be no, so really I need a double of me, don’t I?
Now we are wandering into the world of cloning, and would that be possible for me to be cloned and my actual brain be put into that cloned body? Well maybe eventually I could be cloned, but the brain part? I don’t think so, so how do I resolve this problem? I don’t know, cos unless they do cloning, brain transplants etc, on the NHS I would not be able to have it, cos I am skint lol well not funny cos I am still stuck with my brain where it is now!
So do you see the dilemma of having to get a new body to put your brain in? and nooo, I don’t want to leave my brain behind, it has kept me amused for many a long hour, and others come to think of it, so I really do need it. I do have stuff in there that will maybe come in handy one day, you never know do you? I seem to have an answer for everything, or an easier solution to get something done. So you see I really do need my brain.
But is there a theory to all this dilemma? Well there should be, but for the life of me I cannot remember what it was!
You would think that something as important as this I would at least remember something that would actually benefit myself, wouldn’t you?
Nooo am kidding the theory of this is, I need a very rich billionair, who would pay for this for me, after all I can make them laugh, that’s got to be on the plus side, amusing people comes easy to me, so am I worth it? Yes I do think so!! So come on … offers please!!
Errrm question? Is it possible to take certain parts of your brain? And leave the forgetful bits behind? Please let me know!
Laters Tatty xx
*rolleye* generated.
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Farm Town ~ two ....
Farm Town ~ two
Now I would not usually have come back to this subject, but it is getting funnier by the minute, with the things that happen, said, done, so am paying a return visit, probably will a few times as it marches on, so I hope you find the subject as amusing as me!
Now i left off before with the ‘Tree trollers’ vs. ‘Tree huggers’, this situation will never be resolved, but what I do not understand is why some people insist that your trees are up for harvest along with the rest of your crops, well I am sorry, but If the farm I am making is MY farm, am I not the one that makes the decision who harvests what? The tree fruit do not ‘rot’ like the rest of the crops do within a certain time, hence why a lot of us farmers prefer our trees not to be harvested, they add nice colour and more depth to the farms, our choice!!
Anyhow that subject as I said will never be resolved, and I do not want to be repeating myself.
But there is something else that has come to light, ‘flowers’, there are no flowers to plant at the moment, there has been a notice that they will be ready in two weeks for the past few weeks, so now people are starting to get, lets say, agitated.
Now again bear I mind what I said in previous farm town talk, this game is still in the process of making, and there are some glitches, which when arise are being put right straight away.
Now these glitches are simple things like lose of crops, coins, tree, other glitches are more desperate for some people like, not being able to get connected, keep getting disconnected, and even worse things in some cases, so you would think that the people wanting to know when the flowers will be ready would have a bit more patience, would you not? Oohhh nooo, they kicking up a fuss cos they have seen the notice saying the flowers will be ready in two weeks, and ‘god damit’ where are they!!!
Seriously, taking into consideration of the other problems, what is wrong with them?
Surely is it best to wait and have them work properly, than all these people complaining when they go wrong? Because they will complain BIG TIME, and I can imagine what some of the posts will be on the forum …..
“we waited a long time for the flowers"
"even waited more than the 2 weeks you specified a gazillion weeks ago, and now they do not work properly!!!!
"They disappear"
"difficult to plant"
"I did not get paid the coins when harvested"
"I cannot even plant them"
"they died before I was able to harvest them ……”
there will be an endless list!!! Believe me.
But not to forget at the end of the day ….. it is a game!!!! So wait!!
Maybe in hind sight, the makers should not have put the flowers on the list of things you can plant, if they were not on there, no one would be any the wiser, and when they did come out … yay! everyone is ecstatic hahaha.
I bet you are wondering again what on earth I can make of this so far and how to theorize on it, quite easy really, it is this one little thing ….
People, well some, are never happy unless they are complaining about something, so even if the flowers were not on the list, I am sure that these farmers would have found something else to jump on, why cant people be more like me, and just wait, and not write endless complaints on the forum about endless silly questions that have been answered in an ‘announcement’ no less, oh yes I left that little detail out above, because I thought I would make a point here to prove what I was going on about, yes an announcement was made and posted on the forum, and then not long after another brand new thread appeared about the flowers!!
My theory?? … this ….
Oh my god!! What is wrong? read, and go weep somewhere else lol don’t start yet another thread saying you have been waiting, we already know!! Pft! Read the forum first and the announcements!!
So while I can sit here and write this and laugh at all this ’problem’ with the flowers, I am thinking … yeeessss you may well complain about me now, because you will see it as me taking the pee out of you, errrmmmm …..
Now before I say ‘laters’ I thought i would give you a tad bit of useless information about MY farm, 5 days ago, I took the time as my whole farm was empty, to plow and then plant , which took 3 hours this to do by the way, the whole lot with pumpkins, not only did it cost me approx 130,000 coins to do, but I thought because of the colours of them when they are ready to harvest, would be looking lovely, also the income is massive it gives me, and I had nearly 4 days off also to faff about lol , so the picture of my lovely farm is here in full pumpkin bloomery, and the income from that one harvest of them Drrrrrrrrrrrrdrrrrrrrrrrrrrdrrrrrr (drum roll) ……
345,325 coins woohoooo
Was well worth all the trouble lol, And, I got to re-arrange my whole farm and make and add a maze as well.
Laters Tatty xx
the picture at the top, is the farms new arrangement with the maze in the bottom corner. the picture under that is of all the pumpkins.
*rolleye* generated.
Saturday, 16 May 2009
My one thought ....
at some point it happened ...
i will say, i never do poems, rhymes, ditty what ever you want to call them, i do not do them, i do not seem to be able to do them. it was only when a friend of mine started posting her lovely rhymes that i felt the need to keep her 'company' in as answering in a rhyme, which i was bad at! so this all of a sudden came to me one night while i was talking to her and another friend online, when they was asking me if i had been able to find the time to do what i had said i was going to do .... get that?
so here is what popped into my head ....
will have to do it tomorrow
or some time,
when i get time,
cos i have no time at the minute
not enough hours,
seconds fly by,
days gone in a flash,
weeks are months,
a moment longer
another year to ponder ,
one today …
six decade's later ,
a lifetime over ..............
By Tatty
what is the theory? for once my brain cells must have bonded? depends how you read into it, don't it?
i can tell you one thing ... my brain cells will never bond like that again, EVEEEER hahaha
*rolleye* generated
Friday, 15 May 2009
And mischief ….
I sometimes cannot help myself you know, it just happens, a spur of the moment something that will present itself and I just get this irresistible urge that I have to do something nawty, never nasty, always in a funny way, so I thought I would give you one of the best I ever have done, there may be more, actually there are but, this sticks out like a sore thumb hehehe.
So, one day in Turkey, I was out and about one Sunday afternoon, oh before go on, I used to write a column for the local free paper, which was supposed to be about my weekly happenings, again this was funny, I ended up having a huge following, I had to give the people I mentioned in the ‘aliases’ so that I could protect the not so innocent, I was told that people used to wait at certain places for it to be delivered each week, how cool is that! So this story here I put in my column.
Anyhoo, I will set the scene for you, this particular Sunday afternoon there was the 2 John’s, Wayne and his new girlfriend from England with her daughter in this bar, we were the only ones in there along with the barmaid Karen. I was sitting at the end of the bar where the door was where you came in.
It was pretty much just normal chatter, Wayne used to live in Turkey but sold up and went back to England, so we are all there, then in walks the photographer from another well know local paper, now this photographers job was to go round all the local hotspots taking people pictures then putting them in his paper as interesting places to be at the time, I knew him, he knew me very well as I had done some nawty things before to him, like or instance, a Chinese meal one night, there were 11 of us, he came in took photos and asked me to name who is who at the table ….. Big mistake, we had the Kray twins, Myra Hindly, Richard Meldrew …. And he had all these names below our picture in the paper the following week, and everyone knew that it must have been me that did the names hahaha.
Back to Sunday afternoon, so the photo bloke came in saw me and said hello in Turkish to me and hello in English to the others, so now I am thinking what can I do to brighten things up, so me knowing full well that none of the others spoke or understood Turkish I told him in Turkish that Wayne and his girlfriend had just got married earlier that day, and he must take a photo and put it in his paper!
So he was really happy that he had caught these two on their wedding day and promptly started taking photos, of course they all wanted to know what I said to the photo bloke and I told them, they all thought it was hilarious! So after he had taken the photo’s of Wayne and girlfriend he wanted a group shot, and just at the right second I had turned my head and was looking outside, so all he got was the back of my head hehe.
Then he came and put a paper and pen in front of me and asked me to write down their names, which I did, sort of, not their real names though!
Now the following Thursday when this paper comes out, I had been down to the local town, and I had met the 2 Johns in a bar, on the way back to where I should be, while in this bar one of the John’s gets a phone call, it was Wayne asking where he was and who with, so of course John told him, then John starts spluttering, saying on the phone ‘ok we are coming’. so he gets off the phone and asked me what I had done, cos the photo’s that were taken on Sunday were in he ‘post’ paper and Wayne now wants to kill me, Hahahah so I told them what I had done with the names, and they killed themselves laughing.
Well, we all get into our cars and drive to this other bar, where Wayne and his girlfriend are, and as I pulled up outside everyone is standing at he bar, this is an open bar as it is the middle of the summer, so I put my head out of the window and say, ‘am I safe to get out of this, cos if not I’m off’, with that everyone started laughing, Wayne tells me I am safe. So I go in and he said have you seen this paper and the story under the photo, I told him no, not yet, his girlfriend is telling me she is going to take copies of the paper home to show her friends and family cos it’s the funniest things ever, anyway you get the drift people were all over me like a rash.
So I was handed the paper, and there are two photos, one of Wayne and girlfriend the other a group photo with the back of my head hahaha, and under the ‘bride and groom’ photo was this ……
Mr & Mrs Wanking were married today …….
I bet your wondering what my theory is now? It is this ….
I should never be let out, cos I am very nawty when left to my own devices!!
Laters Tatty xx
p.s the photo above, is of my dog George, on the beach in Turkey, i put the shark in the photo though! lol
*rolleye* generated.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Farm Town .....
Farm Town …..
Online games ……
I will have to tell you something before I go any further, I have never played online ‘games’ before In my life, in fact the only computer game I have ever really played is ‘Sims’, now I think most of you have heard about Sims. I was playing Sims quiet happily although I do not think the ’Sims’ people were very happy with me, they was not happy actually, could not form relationships, eat properly, they got depressed, only one family was ok and they went on to have a baby, and this is where I went wrong, I got so wrapped up in making sure the baby was well cared for I neglected the family, then because they were depressed one of them accidentally started a fire, and me being me, I panicked, while they were running around trying to put out the fire, call the fire brigade I was still panicking, while the whole place was blazing, and the worse thing happened yes, I killed the baby, I did not get it out, I was soo upset I have never been able to play the game since lol.
I tell you, people who I know that play this game and i tell them what I did, they pee themselves laughing.
Now bear the above in mind, and it is a testament that I am no good at these sort of games at all.
So a week ago I was sent an invitation to this online game called ‘Farm Town’ now I have read up on this game, it was only started in February 2009 this year, it was given to 12 users on a very well known social network to try it out, and with the time from February to now which is the beginning of May 4, months in all, it has grown to over 4 million!! The makers do not advertise this game, you will not see it anywhere apart from on people’s profile’s on this social network.
So anyhow I was sent an invite by a friend to go play this ‘Farm Town’, so because of her, I went and signed up, its an easy game, nothing hard, nothing but literally farming, inviting other people to be you neighbours, you send and receive gifts, that can be from animals to trees, no people live with you on the farm, it is just you, tending it.
You also have to make a ‘buddy’ list these are people that you help harvest crops, they help you, you get more money if others harvest for you.
You also get two places to go to ‘hire’ people to work for you, if your buddies are not online, the market place and the inn, where most of them stand about begging for work, mainly at the market, at the inn this is for purely socializing but people still go to beg for work.
Me, I go to the inn, go to the bar and then offer booze to everyone, hahaha ok its ‘cyber’ alcohol, but it is still funny, and usually I get to meet all sorts of people that I can add to my ever growing buddy list.
You get the drift? and it does make you interact with other people, over the 8 days I have been on this game, I am on it more often than I have ever been on anything in my life that is on the internet, in fact there is a ‘Farm Town’ forum, where you go and do what ever it is you need to do, you know what forums do.
Also I have noticed that some are rather addicted to the game, on it practically 24/7!! I am not naming names, but, setting the alarm clock to go off in the middle of the night so they can do a harvest, instead of, planning the planting so that you don’t need to do anything until you have had a good nights sleep.
Example, you can plant grapes, they take 4 hours and you get more points, then you get day plants, 2 days and so on, so tell me how you would plan that out? And believe me, people are openly admitting on the forum they are addicted hahaha … aww should not laugh because I can see why it is such a compelling game.
So I am thinking there should really be a ‘Farm-oholics- anon, seriously! I doubt it would help people much but it sure would make funny reading.
Now in all this as I said, you get to meet people from all over the world, I have a list now of where people come from, I tend to forget, and this does makes things easier as you know when they possibly will be online. Also you need to keep a tag on the time zone’s now that can be confusing as well.
I can honestly say that the main bulk of people I have met have been lovely, we laugh and chat about most things of interest, and I am really enjoying that.
Then you get the ‘trolls’ these are people that deliberately set out to cause conflict, upset and use bad language, that is a troll definition, oh yes look it up on the net, it will come back as …..
“In Internet terminology, a troll is a person who enters an established community such as an online discussion forum and intentionally tries to cause disruption, often in the form of posting messages that are inflammatory, insulting, incorrect, inaccurate, absurd, or off-topic, with the intent of provoking a reaction from others.”
Now, believe me they are on Farm Town, there is a debate going on as we speak about, hiring people from the market, and you tell them what you want harvesting, you also might say ‘not to touch your trees’, they agree, you give them the tools (by clicking on the person’s little person onscreen) and then they run amok … yes they chop everything, including your trees!!! now you are sitting there and what can you do? Hence the thread on this behaviour on the forum, which is soo funny I might add.
So now we have ‘TREE TROLLERS’ hahaha
So after everything I have said here, and I do not know if you play these sort of games or not, are you wondering what my theory is on all this? Well let me tell you…..
Why do people deliberately set out to ‘troll’ …. cause trouble? My theory? ….
Because they are just downright nasty people, who have no social skills whatsoever!!
That’s the only thing I can think of, you could argue that they think it is funny, they do more than likely, because they enjoy the tormenting of others and see the reaction they get, but does that excuse them from the everyday politeness that should be, whether it is RL or on the internet?
Or I have a better theory …. They are just plain sad people, Who need to get a life!!
Laters Tatty xx
p.s. the photo here is of Sally's farm, shows how much planning and effort some people will put into this, nice though a?
*rolleye* generated.
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