Thursday, 16 July 2009

Man on the moon 40th Anniversary ...

The very first to step on the moon was Neil Armstrong, with the very famous words of “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”.
The next to step onto the moon was Buzz Aldrin, who described it as “magnificent desolation”.
They spent 21 hours on the moon, and having a kip as well.

This was 20th July 1969.

Who would not want a kip that is one hell of a feat, must take it out of you, I know it would me, the adrenalin rush would have been amazing, no wonder they were tired lol

I remember watching this while in school, it was the most world wide amazing thing to happen in human history.
My school had big TV’s set in 4 different classrooms so we could all watch this making of history.
I have never forgotten that day, even though I was only 3 …. *cough*

Imagine my surprise yesterday that it was the 40th anniversary!! OMG where has the time gone? There is other trivia I could spout at you as far as missions to the moon go, there has been 10 men since then to go to the moon and no women, but none have landed. The last to walk the moon was 1972.

Lots of things have been sent to the moon and probes landed, but no man has walked for 37 years.

And you know, since then think about it, most of us have children, they have grown up with this as a ‘thing that happened’, in history, you know I never have thought to ask my son what he thinks about it, why don’t you ask your children and please let me know, I think that would be interesting.

How much do your children know about all this??

They have said no life would be sustainable on the moon, for varies reasons, gravity being one, unless you have really ton heavy feet you would not be able to stay there lol

Out of all this, I am wondering why have there not been more of us on the moon? In all these years our technology has gone soo far its unbelievable, so why have there not been dozens more people walking the moon? Why have they not built a small manned station there yet?
They say that the USA have got big plans for this, the probes they have there, are for this very reason.
And Russians want to put people on there by 2025 .. ..
But why have they waited all these years, for another man or woman to actually walk the moon?

My theory on this …. Because they did encounter life, oh yes, old Neil and Buzz were told not to come back, and have they been back there?? Noooo

But did we take any notice? Nooo!!!

Even though we sent another mission in 1972, and the life forms then gave them an ultimatum, if we came back again there would be trouble!!

This is why, they must have given them people, something really to think about a? for us to take a big large jump back.
I also think that the reason why we cannot go back is because, the life forms saw how we treated our planet, WHAAT … do you not think they cannot see for themselves what we people are like?

They can see it with the naked eye … the freaking space junk that has gradually got worse over the years around our OWN planet!! And until we can clear up our own mess we are not allowed back to the moon lol and I don’t blame them little life forms, who I call ‘lefs’ *cough*
Why should we go and plant our rubbish on the moon where they live lol cos lets face it, once we get there again, we will leave it behind, cos it would take too much fuel to bring it back. Iots of it, all over the place, our rubbish!!

So before anyone can go back to the moon we have to find a way to clean up our act …..

Yeah … right … Good luck on that one!! Lol

Laters Tatty xx

*rolleye* generated

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