Tatty’s theories.
Now I am not a geneticist, but I have been thinking lately, about how these things work, I think as we mature, we do question ourselves, or maybe its just me, looking into stuff too much, and coming up with my own theories that are completely dumb, it has been known to happen that I am soo far off the mark, its verging on the ridicules, but not often!
So this is my theory on teeth.
Now we all know that we are born with none, and usually start cutting teeth about 6 months upwards, varies form baby to baby, don’t know how old I was, but my son was 1year 1 day old, now this is considered quiet late, but then I was told they would be healthier.
Now, I have always looked after my teeth, and so has my son, so this is why I have begun to think about how we have the teeth we have, even though we look after them properly.
Now there are categories here, those who do not look after their teeth whatsoever, and they are perfectly healthy at the beginning and end up, well as things no one really wants to see, not when we talking to the person anyway.
But then we have those whose teeth are well looked after right from when they are cut, then replaced with adult teeth. Right from the first peep of them, our mum’s taught us how to use a toothbrush, I know I did with my son, from an early age it gets to be integrated into the daily routine of cleanliness.
So why is it that even when looked after properly, they still go the wrong way, they disfigure, yellow looking, do not form properly, overlap, it’s just that they do not conform to what they should be, even though they have been looked after, through no fault of the person’s hygiene they are just really yucky. So then we pay dentists hundreds, thousands of pounds to have them put right, because there is only so much you can have done while we are growing up.
But now, here is my theory, do you think that the longer your line of ancestors the worst your teeth are? Now we all know that as things age they degenerate, and rot. Why not teeth in this long line of family before us? Right from our great-great-great and so on, grandparents our teeth are slowly getting weaker? Gene’s are blamed for a long line of all sorts of things that are passed down from generation to generation, why not degenerating teeth? I bet hundreds of years ago, our ancestors had such perfect teeth, there was no need for dentists, because they were strong, white and healthy. They looked after their teeth purely because of bad breath, not because they looked mankey and horrible. Lets face it, no one likes talking to someone with bad breath, or funny coloured looking tongues, because it has yesterdays food and drink stuck deep inside the little nodules of it, now do you? Lets say that as generations have come along, the teeth has NOT come along with us, they have slowly gone down hill, and this is why some people, no matter what they do from an early age, still need to have them fixed in some way. Through no fault of our own, this is passed down to us, and we end up paying the bill.
So those who have perfect teeth, have less ancestors, hence no teeth problems, they are perfectly in proportion, white teeth, because their line does not go back generations, going back hundreds of years.
Do you see what I am getting at? So really what each generation needs to do, is have a ‘pot’ where we put so much money into it, and that gets passed down, to the future family that will have teeth problems, that we know will happen, really we are contributing to their dental health care, or lack of it, and why should we not take the responsibility of at least paying towards what will become our failure? The failure to produce perfect teeth, that will ultimately have to be paid for, if we want nice teeth. And lets face it, as time goes on, dental health care will become more expensive, then we have a vicious circle, because, if we cannot afford to go to the dentist, then we will be passing that down as well, wont we? If we cannot afford to put right what is wrong, then what?
Well for one thing, if we cannot afford the dentist bills, either we end up with less dentists, because only the better off people can pay for the treatment, or they will have to bring their prices down, so that people can afford them. The former will create a hole in the job sector, so will these potential dentists just be unemployed? The latter will create employment, not only for new dentists but the dental nurses as well..
But now I have gone off my theory, not only wandered off it, but just blown my theory out of the water, now that I have started to put it to paper, so to speak, because we all have ancestors, generations before us, going back hundreds and thousand of years, otherwise, how did we all get here?
But that is another theory for me to think about, isn’t it?
Laters Tatty xx
*rolleyes* generated.
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