And is it a ‘mature’ thing?
When I say mature, yes I mean as an age thing, and yes Lori, I remembered the conversation we had about this …. Eventually! Must be the age lol
See the reason I am now thinking about this is because, poppy thought I was younger than she thought, in my 20’s in fact lol!!! Yeeess wish I was sweetie but alas no, not true.
Now poppy thought this because of the way I speak, so to speak, you know, online to her, as I do not know her in RL (real life) she is a very nice cyber friend, as with a lot of cyber friends I have, I have been blessed that I have met these people online, because they are really nice people.
Back to where I was … I am soo easily distracted hehehe yes poppy was thinking I was younger, so when I told her how old I was *cough* she was surprised.
It is true a lot of people think I am younger cos of the way I talk, not silly talk, but funny I suppose, but I have been this way all my life so why would I be different now I am ‘slightly’ older? And I mean think different? Why do, oh dear I need to give the shovel a rest cos of what I am going to say next … why do ‘younger’ people think that us people a year or two ahead (yes that’s better) of them in age, think that we should act and behave in a different way? This baffles me.
Take my dad for instance, now he is a grumpy old man, and everyone knows this, including himself lol he freely admits it, you name it he will moan about it, I think I might have mentioned this before about him, somewhere, he hates Christmas, with a vengence, but see, I agree with him Haahah I am not really a big fan of it, so is this because of an age thing? Or just that his views of Christmas have rubbed off on me? I don’t know, but it must be the later cos I am not grumpy at the moment, well maybe I am in one thing, but I have been like that all my life and I have always openly admitted it, bet your wondering now what it is a? hehehe
It is that I am seriously no good in the mornings, really, I hate mornings! I will give you a snippet of something that happened one morning some years ago ….
A neighbour of mine, because her husband was away stayed at her mothers one night, now she knew about my ‘morning anger’ problem.
Anyhoo I was in bed one morning, fast asleep, when at 7.30 am the phone starts ringing beside me, so I picked it up and said hello, well that sounds polite when I put it that way, but I have a way of saying hello when I get woken up …. But the phone went dead!! So I thought no more of it and turned over, thinking not pleasant thoughts of the person that called me at the hour of the night … look I do not know there is two 8 o’clock in the day ok!
Anyway, the next day, I am at my neighbours house, having a chat, and she asks did I get a phone call early yesterday morning that went dead, I looked at her puzzled and said I had, and how did she know, this is what she said …
Cos she was at her mothers, she had to call home to see of her husband had got home after his work trip, but, she called my number accidently, she realised who it was when I answered and she put the phone down, her mother asked her what was wrong, because of the look on her face, and she said to her mother ….
“yes I had to put the phone down, cos I accidently rang Tatty’s number, and I really did not want to be verbally abused at this time of morning, cos she is not a morning person, and she scares me cos of the stories she has told me about it”
OH MY GOD!!! Lol when she told me I spluttered my cup of tea I can tell you …. Hehe
So that aside … we all know of grumpy people, and probably do know one, but how old is that person? And has that person been like that all their life? Or since they got older.
Well my theory is …
…. NO it is not an age thing, they have always been like that simmering with it, until they get older, so they can use age, as an excuse for being grumpy!!
Think about it ….. Why would people get grumpy when they are older? Do they wake up one morning and think, that’s it, I will be a grumpy old person from today onwards? They must do!
See now older people that do this, have caused me problems!! Cos now I get told by some people that I must act my age!! WHAAAT? At what age must I start acting my age? This will mean I must change myself completely to fall into their category of what a more mature person should act like!
Well trust me when I say this … that’s neeeeever gonna happen, because, I am not acting, this is me, take it or leave it lol
Laters Tatty xx
PS ... I will add, I am not that old, YET!
*rolleye* generated