.... common sense
Have you noticed that very intelligent people have no common sense? I am not putting anyone down here, I think its just a fact.
Some years ago, I was on a one year course on computers, on this course was a 28 year old man, lets call him Charlie for now, who had never worked in his life! Since leaving school, university, he had gone from one course to another, for different subjects, no doubt about it he was very intelligent, and he probably had never before come across the likes of me or the other people on this same course, all from different back grounds, different walks of life.
At lunch time we all went to go to the same café, sit and chat about all sorts of stuff, as you do, but I noticed that Charlie had no common sense whatsoever, the simplest things to you and me, was way over his head, he just could not seem to get that it was not major thinking that comes into play with everyday things, just common sense. I was not the only one to notice this.
Logically thinking, you would have thought that everyone well most peeps, have common sense, some more than others admittedly, but its there. But I have noticed since Charlie, that the more intelligent the person, the less common sense, really! I do not know why, it is just something I have noticed. Maybe I have a way of thinking about things, that for some reason I can solve something by common sense, and when I solve a problem another person will ask how on earth did I think of doing it that way, of just thinking of it, cos it seems so simple now the solution is there, and it is not a hard thing that I have solved, got round, however you like to call it, I used my common sense.
I seem to end up having to explain how I come to the solution or reasoning that I did, so am I now right in thinking that this person who I am explaining to has no common sense? So therefore more intelligent than me? I can honestly say, no, not the case. I am not building myself up here, but I do know what’s what, I just seem to have a knack at some things.
Or is it that I have more common sense than others, does that mean I am really dumb in that case then? Because you can ask my dad you know, he thinks I am a very intelligent person, who thinks straight, and use’s my head, most of the time, in his words to me, “you are not stupid” .
Does that make me an intelligent person then who just happens to have a lot of common sense? So what does that make the others? The ones I have noticed who are very intelligent with no common sense? I know they are far more intelligent than me that’s for sure, with no common sense.
I am not putting down people with less intelligence here, I think that because of lack of knowledge etc there seems to be common sense, because they have a simpler way of seeing things, and solving the problems, not over thinking, that’s one way of putting it. Very intelligent people tend to over think the problem, where a bit of common sense is the way to look at it.
Ahhh yes that’s it then, why highly intelligent people have no common sense, over thinking. Doh! so, STOP IT!
Why have I never thought of it that way before? I should have been able to see it a mile off, over thinking hurts you brain, because you can never get to the solution, that’s for sure. Now I can actually see what I have been saying on here, in black and white, I have the solution for intelligent people, to get some common sense ….. stop thinking!! Or over thinking more to the point, it gets you nowhere fast, it certainly will not give you the common sense to help you with everyday life, maybe there should be a class in how to be stupid, dumber, or just not as intelligent.
Now there is a niche in the market that I have opened up for someone, please give me the credit for it will you, better still can I have royalty payments, I could do with some money, cos it does not pay good, having common sense.
Maybe I should start charging before some of these blogs can be read, because I am giving people money making ideas, I bet this time next year someone out there will have opened a course on how to behave with less intelligence, and enhance your chances of having more common sense, hahaha that’s got to be worthwhile, hasn’t it? how long do you reckon the course should go on for? How long do you think it will take for an intelligent person to be able to achieve this goal?
This has got to be the funniest money making scheme I have come up with in ages, and should not be laughed at, so please let me know how you get on, or if you see this ‘common sense’ course anywhere please let me know will you? Ta muchly.
Laters tatty xx
*rolleyes* generated.