Saturday, 11 April 2009

Intelligence & ....

.... common sense

Have you noticed that very intelligent people have no common sense? I am not putting anyone down here, I think its just a fact.

Some years ago, I was on a one year course on computers, on this course was a 28 year old man, lets call him Charlie for now, who had never worked in his life!  Since leaving school, university, he had gone from one course to another, for different subjects, no doubt about it he was very intelligent, and he probably had never before come across the likes of me or the other people on this same course, all from different back grounds, different walks of life.
At lunch time we all went to go to the same cafĂ©, sit and chat about all sorts of stuff, as you do, but I noticed that Charlie had no common sense whatsoever, the simplest things to you and me, was way over his head, he just could not seem to get that it was not major thinking that comes into play with everyday things, just common sense. I was not the only one to notice this. 

Logically thinking, you would have thought that everyone well most peeps, have common sense, some more than others admittedly, but its there. But I have noticed since Charlie, that the more intelligent the person, the less common sense, really! I do not know why, it is just something I have noticed. Maybe I have a way of thinking about things, that for some reason I can solve something by common sense, and when I solve a problem another person will ask how on earth did I think of doing it that way, of just thinking of it, cos it seems so simple now the solution is there, and it is not a hard thing that I have solved, got round, however you like to call it, I used my common sense.
I seem to end up having to explain how I come to the solution or reasoning that I did, so am I now right in thinking that this person who I am explaining to has no common sense? So therefore more intelligent than me? I can honestly say, no, not the case. I am not building myself up here, but I do know what’s what, I just seem to have a knack at some things.

Or is it that I have more common sense than others, does that mean I am really dumb in that case then? Because you can ask my dad you know, he thinks I am a very intelligent person, who thinks straight, and use’s my head, most of the time, in his words to me, “you are not stupid” . 
Does that make me an intelligent person then who just happens to have a lot of common sense? So what does that make the others? The ones I have noticed who are very intelligent with no common sense? I know they are far more intelligent than me that’s for sure, with no common sense.
I am not putting down  people with less intelligence here, I think that because of lack of knowledge etc there seems to be common sense, because they have a simpler way of seeing things, and solving the problems, not over thinking, that’s one way of putting it. Very intelligent people tend to over think the problem, where a bit of common sense is the way to look at it. 

Ahhh yes that’s it then, why highly intelligent people have no common sense, over thinking. Doh! so, STOP IT!

Why have I never thought of it that way before? I should have been able to see it a mile off, over thinking hurts you brain, because you can never get to the solution, that’s for sure. Now I can actually see what I have been saying on here, in black and white, I have the solution for intelligent people, to get some common sense ….. stop thinking!! Or over thinking more to the point, it gets you nowhere fast, it certainly will not give you the common sense to help you with everyday life, maybe there should be a class in how to be stupid, dumber, or just not as intelligent. 
Now there is a niche in the market that I have opened up for someone, please give me the credit for it will you, better still can I have royalty payments, I could do with some money, cos it does not pay good, having common sense.

Maybe I should start charging before some of these blogs can be read, because I am giving people money making ideas, I bet this time next year someone out there will have opened a course on how to behave with less intelligence, and enhance your chances of having more common sense,  hahaha that’s got to be worthwhile, hasn’t it? how long do you reckon the course should go on for?  How long do you think it will take for an intelligent person to be able to achieve this goal? 

This has got to be the funniest money making scheme I have come up with in ages, and should not be laughed at, so please let me know how you get on, or if you see this ‘common sense’ course anywhere please let me know will you? Ta muchly.

Laters tatty xx

*rolleyes* generated.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Space junk.

More importantly ‘Space junk’, and we are all well aware of the rubbish/junk that we throw away which is causing more and more landfills, because we do not re-cycle enough. The reason why basically is maybe laziness, at the moment there is a mountain of paper, waiting for someone to buy, to then re-cycle, now how on earth did that come about? Plastic is the biggest culprit, man made thing, that will not go away! And plastic bags do the most damage, poor  sea faring animals, that get caught up in the handles/can holders thingies, you know the six pack that held together with the plastic that goes round the rims, what’s it called? Anyhoo … them. 
We are forever taking the resources out of the planet, that is not replaced, leaving massive holes behind, void‘s! If we re-cycled more, we would not have to take so much out. 

So you know that we take all sorts from the earth to make things for ourselves, iron, minerals, steel, oil, coal, you name it we take it. These things are used for various things, cars to help us get from ‘a to b’, the oil and petrol to make that car run, you know what I mean, most of it goes hand in hand, we need this stuff to makes other stuff work, yes? Without all this mining, drilling, not only on land but offshore, what would our lives be like? 
We use computers, if we did not have them, what would you be doing? Not only do we need computers for personal use, but for work, more than that, practically everything. so think of the consequences if we did not have this.
Take me for instance, I do not leave the confines of my abode, well its very seldom, not through choice I might add, but that is not something  I will be going into at anytime soon, i very rarely go out, so how do you think I ‘survive’? mostly, thankfully, I have the use of my lappy, this is my lifeline, this gives me the independence I do not have to a certain extent, I have people around me, but I am the type who does not like to keep asking for help and all that goes with it, so take shopping for instance, I do it online, it is delivered, and I don’t just mean food shopping, anything I want I get online. I am probably saving so much of the environment , because I do not have a car anymore, hence I do not use all the resources that go hand in hand with it, plus other stuff that reduces my carbon foot print, but this is not about that, good grief, gone off subject, because I needed to explain the stuff that gets me to where we are heading on my theory on ‘rubbish/junk’. but you understand what I have been saying up to now, yes?

So look at the picture above, with this theory, what do you see? If you do not know, here it is, a picture of our world, and our unused space stuff surrounding it? that is ‘space junk’, it is what we have taken from our  world, and put into space!  Look closely, the mess close to the planet is lower orbit, the rest further away, is higher orbit, looks like we are sitting in a metal bowl, does  it not?
Satellites, space exploration, rockets, its all our doing, us as human beings, putting our stuff in orbit around our world, to mainly make what we use, well, able to use. Who has a mobile? Look at that picture and your satellite is there enabling it to work, TV? Yes look at the picture, you get my drift?  A lot of it is in use no more, it is just there, even nuts and bolts that have come lose, you name it, its there. And the rest that is in use, has to navigate round it, to stop accidents.
This space junk, the ones not in use, is causing problems, like you would not believe,  it is shooting round our earth at 18,000 mph, something like that, if it hits something, well, can you imagine what would happen. 
At this moment in time, we have people working for a solution, there has to be a solution, or we are in big trouble, not only can we not take care of our junk ON earth, we also litter up the space around us! How stupid are we? Well me and you as mere mortals, not stupid, but the ones that built this stuff and shoot them into orbit, without thinking of the consequences, taking earth resources to put into orbit, great thinking, and leaving it there without a thought, lovely, what is the saying? If you cant see it, don’t worry about it? Probably got that wrong, but you know what I mean here.

So this is what I think, and would this theory work?

The powers that be who are working on this problem, have to find a way to bring this ‘space junk’ back down to earth, literally, I mean it. So bring it back down and then what? Well for one, it would probably pay itself, for the time, trouble and the amount of money it cost, to make it possible to bring it back down. Two, recycle everything! I mean, that can be done, but not just recycle it, put the excess back into the earth where it come from, surely we must have taken enough out by now to cover what we will actually use, if we re-cycle it properly, have we not? How much ‘space junk’ would you say is up there? I would say, way too much for us to re-cycle, so put it back, if we put it back, to fill them voids, then we cut down on the pollution, as we do not need to bring more out, do we?  Some people will probably lose their jobs, but not all, because we would need them to put the stuff back, and the end result is we have done something useful for once, well  in a long time. 
But thinking off it, why do we not put the stuff that is going into landfills into these holes that we have made, by bringing this stuff out? Would that not be better? Not so many people losing jobs now is there. So collecting all this rubbish/junk not only from here, but in space can be put to good use. 
If we do not, fill these massive holes/voids that we have left behind by taking all these resources out, what happens?  Does it eventually collapse? I hope I am not sitting on top of one of these, that’s all I can say. 
So a wanted ad, for the person with the brightest idea on how to collect the space junk, would look like something like this …..

Applicant must forward the specs and costing, for the collection of scrap metal from lower and higher orbit of earth. No qualifications required, must have common sense, and the knowledge to operate heavy moving machinery. 
Man made structures already waiting for the relocation of the collections ... world wide project, with a view to repeat process every 10/15 years after completion, or when necessary, to the successful applicant. Salary neg.

Please send your CV’s to me, i will pass them on, maybe, as I am thinking of my own ideas,  and may nick yours!

Later, Tatty xx

*rolleyes* generated.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Ice age... (not the film)

Ice age …..
… big bang? Is what scientists are talking about, ‘global warming’, say it however you will, some say its the same thing, others disagree. Some refuse to acknowledge it even exists. Which one do you come under?
Now I keep on telling you, that I am not involved in the ‘ology’ world, where these people study for absolutely years, and then tell us what is happening in and to the world around us. 

But, there is no doubt in my mind, that we have seriously damaged our planet, because of the way we abuse it, taking out natural resources, burning to much energy, you know what I mean, I do not have to spell it out for you. And there is no doubt in my mind that weather, climate and nature is turning on us, there are things going on in countries that have never been heard of before. The ice caps melting, collapsing, one ice shelf did yesterday (6th April 2009). I have seen actually it spelled out in layman’s terms, so that Joe bloggs can understand what this will lead to.
Some say a global heat that will lead to all sorts of horrendous things associated with the suns rays being able to penetrate through to our planet surface, because of the ozone layer depleting, now that’s not nice. None of us would survive I do not think. 
Some say the earths 'magnetic field' is gradually changing direction, now that will bring so much trouble to all of us, including the poor little birds, they would find it a hard time to fly. The whales and others like it, use an inbuilt compass to get around there feeding grounds. I do not have the time to make the list, it would take too long and would be a long one, I can tell you, take my word for it, there has been tests to prove this. Also I do not want to give you nightmares thinking of the poor little animals.
You have probably heard about the above already, hence why we are recycling, and cutting down our carbon footprint, well I know I am, and I hope you are, we ALL need to do it! If some do and others don’t, who is defeating who? And what?

This leads me to this, and my theory, and the coming ‘Ice age’, now this one if true, will wipe out quite a large part of civilisation as we know it, and what we now have come to know and use in everyday life, the same as what happened millions of years ago, well not the same, if we are to believe the scientists, that say pre-historic was wiped out, it was not a civilised place to be, they did not have electricity, computers, space shuttles,  cars, airplanes, name it, not there then. They knew nothing like we know now. Or did they?
Obviously some of humanity survived,  or how else would we be here now, (do not go and read back to what I said before, this is this theory now). But humanity did, just! And we are told that ice age happened because of a massive meteor colliding with earth. Or was it?

Theory ... What if, they did know and actually have what we have now, technology wise, if not more? Who can definitely say, categorically, that is not so. What if  the planet was used as we are using it now? What if we have this technology knowledge, because deep down inside, there is a slither of memory that helped us get there again? Something must be embedded in us for it to emerge, this technology, who is to say it is not these memories. Maybe all them millions of years ago they did exactly what we are doing now, that brought about the ice age, trying to solve the problem, but too late. And then hoping against hope that the new world would grow from scratch, but would have learned somehow, not to make the same mistakes we have now.
The massive meteor has gone to the wayside then, maybe that did not happen, as I said above, WE did it to ourselves then, as we are now. Who can say otherwise, with certain proof?

But I suppose you are wondering why then, did it take until the last century or so, to gain this knowledge back, and implement, easy, everything was destroyed, nothing left as evidence, now if it was destroyed by us or by fate of what happened, who knows, I think it was us that destroyed all knowledge, in the hope we do not go down the same road. That leaves the fact that some memory in us slowly came to the fore.

But, what do I know? I do not have an ’ology’ in science or anything like it, I do have however, a ‘faff-ology’ certificate, for those of you who do not know what ‘faffing’ is, its this, for one whole day at least, whole day being 24 hour period, you must not do anything at all! The only thing you are allowed to do is, go to the bathroom, (to use toilet, nothing else), eat, drink, watch TV or listen to the radio/music, read, use pooter,  that’s it, if you can get someone else to get you food and drink even better, I doubt anyone would help in the bathroom department, depends how close you are to the people/person you are living with I suppose. 
Anyhoo, I have done this, faffing for a whole day, and so have others I know, some we have helped, by being on the end of the computer, talking them through it, and steering them in the right direction, so that they do not fall to the wayside, and actually do something, like shower!! and then I hand the ‘faff-ology’ certificate to them, or email which ever is the easiest, cos at the end of the day, I ‘faff’ even when I am not doing it for a whole day, for the certificate. As long as I know that I am not having visitors, I do not want to be explaining what I am doing in my pj’s at ‘stooped o' time’.

I do not have all the answers, just as all the ‘ologists’ do not have them either, this is my theory, I do not profess to know it all.  in fact, if you read deep enough into the ‘faff-olgy’ paragraphs you probably know, I do not know much, which is why my theories are just mine, and I have not had a ‘paper’ brought out on this, who would listen to little me?  Especially men, they seem to have ‘selective’ hearing when it comes to listening to a woman.... 

... Ahhh but that is for another time peeps.

Laters, Tatty xx

*rolleyes* generated.

Monday, 6 April 2009

Related much?

In the ‘Teeth & ancestors’, where I totally blew my own theory away, it actually made me think about how close our ancestors are, I mean not to just our own line of ancestors, but how close MY ancestors are to YOURS!
See we are brought up in the belief that we cannot marry a relative, well, a close relative, but even a cousin 2nd removed or something in that direction, would be too close for comfort in my eyes, so I don’t even want to go there. 

Bearing that in mind we can all go and trace our ancestral line, might cost us some, to do so, but we can do it, but why on earth we should have to pay to find out our own ancestors, when it is public knowledge anyway, it is wrong. All the information is computerized these days, it is on any site related to what you are looking for, also we do the digging around ourselves, until we get to a certain point then all of a sudden, helloo! You have to pay to actually find out if that person IS an actual relative, you have to pay for the birth and death certificates if you want them, the list is endless. If these are on file and we were able to actually either download them to our own computer or print if off straight from the site, why do we have to pay for someone else to do this for us? Also what does it cost to actually print it off? Take into account the paper, ink, electric, 20/30 pence?  Something like that. Also the envelope and postage another 50 pence? So really top wack £1, right? So why do these people charge ‘stupid amount‘, to do this for us, why can we not do it for ourselves? that’s what I want to know.
I tried trace and to get information on my ancestors, I even got as far as my grandparents, then could go no further, even though it advertised that it was a free site, also a well known site I may add, that I had to pay ’ex amount’ to get certain information, so it all came to a halt,  I refuse to pay these people money for what is essentially MY property in the first place. Well it is my family.

Well well, gone off track again, there’s a surprise! I was saying,  we can trace back as far as possible, we will come a stop eventually as the records probably will only go so far back, well actually they do, so it comes to a stop, records only came about at a certain time,  but that does not mean that we did not have ancestors further back than we can see on paper, in our family tree, oh nooo, think about it!

It is said that we all come from the same ‘gene pool’, now I do not know how to take that, as there are different explanations for this, but this is how I see it with my theory, this gene pool has our genetic makeup, ALL of us, right? Even if a thousand ‘people’ emerged from this pool, they all have the same genetic make up, right?  Because it is said this is the beginning of life! And does not matter how many times the population doubled then trebled, and so on, divided, even continents on this earth changing, the ice age, the whole thing of how us human beings came to be as we are now, it does not change the matter that we are related, every single one of us, well? Does not matter how distant the relationship, we are related, if I have got this right.
You are my brother/sister/cousin/ blah blah, you, reading this, my theory on us, as a human being, are related to me.
now this takes me right back to the beginning what I was saying, of what I said about marriage, the thought as I said, I don’t want to even think about, *shudder* so now you know. I think now, I feel like washing my brain In hot soapy water, to clean all this info out, see how you feel When you go home tonight, look at the people you live with, I do not know your circumstances, you could have just been married for all I know, will you look at that person in the same light now? If you live in a house in a large family, will that look the same now? Will you be trying to guess who is where in the scheme of things? I doubt it, because after all this is just my theory. You may fleetingly let it run through your mind, but then it will have ran soo fast, you will not remember it for the dust it leaves behind.
Also, it could be that, because the first lot of people went their separate ways eventually, ended up on different continents, picked up things along the way,  that we ate or drank, breathed in, climate etc, all these things need to be considered here, that affected us on a genetic level, that changed us, because some of us go through life without anything major happening health wise, others do not, some people have diseases passed down by generation, so our genetic make up must have changed, right?

But, if some part of what I said about being related is true, just think,   no matter where in the world you are, you are related to me, now don’t that just fill you with joy? I can promise you that at family gatherings I am funny, full of laughter, ask my step-mother, she said that once you have met me, you do not forget me in a hurry, now I did not know if to take that as a compliment, or an insult, she assured me as a compliment, so you are missing out my lovely cyber cousin/aunt/uncle/sister/brother!

As for my theory here? Who knows, somewhere on it, I may be right.

Laters, Tatty xx

*rolleyes* generated.

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Teeth & Ancestors.

Tatty’s theories.

Now I am not a geneticist, but I have been thinking lately, about how these things work, I think as we mature, we do question ourselves, or maybe its just me, looking into stuff too much, and coming up with my own theories that are completely dumb, it has been known to happen that I am soo far off the mark, its verging on the ridicules, but not often!

So this is my theory on teeth.

Now we all know that we are born with none, and usually start cutting teeth about  6 months upwards, varies form baby to baby, don’t know how old I was, but my son was 1year 1 day old, now this is considered quiet late, but then I was told they would be healthier.
Now, I have always looked after my teeth, and so has my son, so this is why I have begun to think about how we have the teeth we have, even though we look after them properly.
Now there are categories here, those who do not look after their teeth whatsoever, and they are perfectly healthy at the beginning and end up, well as things no one really wants to see, not when we talking to the person anyway. 
But then we have those whose teeth are well looked after right from when they are cut, then replaced with adult teeth. Right from the first peep of them, our mum’s taught us how to use a toothbrush, I know I did with my son, from an early age it gets to be integrated into the daily routine of cleanliness. 
So why is it that even when looked after properly, they still go the wrong way, they disfigure, yellow looking, do not form properly, overlap, it’s  just that they do not conform to what they should be, even though they have been looked after, through no fault of the person’s hygiene they are just really yucky. So then we pay dentists hundreds, thousands of pounds to have them put right, because there is only so much you can have done while we are growing up.

But now, here is my theory, do you think that the longer your line of ancestors the worst your teeth are? Now we all know that as things age they degenerate, and rot. Why not teeth in this long line of family before us? Right from our great-great-great and so on, grandparents our teeth are slowly getting weaker? Gene’s are blamed for a long line of all sorts of things that are passed down from generation to generation, why not degenerating teeth?  I bet hundreds of years ago, our ancestors had such perfect teeth, there was no need for dentists, because they were strong, white and healthy.  They looked after their teeth purely because of bad breath, not because they looked mankey and horrible.  Lets face it, no one likes talking to someone with bad breath, or funny coloured looking tongues, because it has yesterdays food and drink stuck deep inside the little nodules of it,  now do you?  Lets say that as generations have come along, the teeth has NOT come along with us, they have slowly gone down hill, and this is why some people, no matter what they do from an early age, still need to have them fixed in some way. Through no fault of our own, this is passed down to us, and we end up paying the bill. 
So those who have perfect teeth, have less ancestors, hence no teeth problems, they are perfectly in proportion, white teeth, because their line does not go back generations, going back hundreds of years. 

Do you see what I am getting at? So really what each generation needs to do, is have a ‘pot’ where we put so much money into it, and that gets passed down, to the future family that will have teeth problems, that we know will happen, really we are contributing to their dental health care, or lack of it, and why should we not take the responsibility of at least paying towards what will become our failure? The failure to produce perfect teeth, that will ultimately have to be paid for, if we want nice teeth. And lets face it, as time goes on, dental health care will become more expensive, then we have a vicious circle, because, if we cannot afford to go to the dentist, then we will be passing that down as well, wont we?  If we cannot afford to put right what is wrong, then what?
Well for one thing, if we cannot afford the dentist bills, either we end up with less dentists, because only the better off people can pay for the treatment, or they will have to bring their prices down, so that people can afford them. The former will create a hole in the job sector, so will these potential dentists just be unemployed? The latter will create employment, not only for new dentists but the dental nurses as well.. 

But now I have gone off my theory, not only wandered off it, but just blown my theory out of the water, now that I have started to put it to paper, so to speak, because we all have ancestors, generations before us, going back hundreds and thousand of years, otherwise, how did we all get here? 

But that is another theory for me to think about, isn’t it?

Laters Tatty xx

*rolleyes* generated.