I know in the past i have joked on my Farm town blog about 'tree trollers' but in this instance, I am talking in a more serious offence toward others
Yesterday I was ‘pounced’ upon by the little ’SK’ forum cronies, which is connected to the farm town game. Now while you all know most of what I say is in jest, and this happened because I started a thread, tongue in cheek, AFTER mine and many friends, neighbours, buddies on my list had been trampled upon by the ‘farm town hacker’, yes there is an actual hacker, for all of you who do not read my farm town blog.
Now this hacker, can only take your crops and tree fruit, all it it still goes into your storage, you still get the full amount of coins for it.
BUT, some people when they see the word ‘hacker’ they think the worse and assume he will the hack into their own computer, then it has to be explained not so in THIS case.
Also a few people do get upset at the thought of all this, I understand that, they report the problem on the ‘SK’ forum. And then its split 50/50 as to whether you get sympathy or vilified for it. I have read some really terrible comments made against the people who have experiences this form of invasion, not nice I can tell you.
Now, because this happened to me, and everyone connected to me, I reported the matter with the ‘jest head’ on this is basically what I started the thread as ….
OMG … OMG … (thread title)
Then inside post …
My farm has just been raped and pillaged by the farm town hacker and so has …
Get the gist? Now not only was this in jest I was using the ‘Queens English’ I am English after all, and using the words in that post in the right context to what I was saying about my trees and crops, of others too, a couple of people even saw the funny side of what I was saying and said so to the people who the jumped on my back, and told me I was upsetting a vilifying those that had been raped in real life!!
As I tried to explain, and I did post exactly the same words on my FB profile, no one turned a hair on it there, I would never want to upset anyone in this case on that subject. One particular person who is well known for making HER point, often wrong I might add, and very restrictive in attitude, would not even read my posts after of what I was saying, I told her, she should go to spec savers and read my post again!! Someone called tom, did actually post the 4 points of the dictionary description of the word ‘rape’ .. and agreed and told everyone that I had it in context of what I was saying ..
“The violent destruction of trees, crops, etc across the countryside.”
Do you think anyone would read and listen to that?? NOOOOO
I even thanked tom, on his post and did say he was wasting his time trying to educate such ignorant people, because at this point I was getting really upset from what people were saying… I ended it with a bang though, which I am not going to repeat here because it is too personal to me. I left the forum, and that is when Farm town crashed, so did the forum, as the devs decided that was the time to sort out the problem with the hacker.
The this morning this is what I walked into on that forum, as the thread I did was deleted and replaced with this one, this is the actual post by the OP …
I understand all the points of view on trees.
Love my trees and love seeing everyone's trees.
I understand the respect issue.
I totally agree with the MY FARM....MY RULES concept.
But people...all this whining and crying about TREE Rapers, and TREE Snipers, and TREE Bandits, andTREE Hackers needs to stop.
Please for the love of thankful for your fingers that allow you to play this crazy game.
Be thankful for the real flowers and TREES God has given us to enjoy.
Be thankful for the bees that give us honey and pollinate our real crops and TREES
Oh yes … plain for all to see the ‘word’ I used .. What do you think the posters replying were saying?? Were they telling this OP she was vile etc?? NO they were no cos it was her friends who vilified me yesterday, so the whole place thought it was now funny!!!
This is my reply
seems like there are various rules on this forum for SOME people ... one day they are slating you about a word, the next, the same word appears, and hey presto!!! it is acceptable???? well not to me, remove that word at once please, i find it very offensive in my situation!!!
i did actually have quite a few people come to my farm and leave messages of support for me after what happened yesterday and i would like to thank all of them for being soo kind, i appreciated the kinds words and wish's, for what i went through some time ago.
must say seems my 'sermon' yesterday seems to have gotten through to some people, but double standards still for others, and before you start jumping on me again, for now 'spoiling' a funny thread ... i seem to remember the funny thread yesterday that was 'tongue in cheek' and in the right context for the Queens English language (noooo, was not a reference to gay people, i have some very lovely gay friends) and then 'ripped' and 'plundered' to shreds do not bother!!
see what happens when you start to think about what you say??? MOST words you write can be misconstrued.
but for those of you who do want to read about forum mob mentality, trolls, etc i will give you the link to the very nice blog i will be writing today, on theories lol but i will warn you, although it is tongue (can i use that word) in cheek (or that, after all it refers to a section of the anatomy some might find offensive) there will be an underlying piece as it resulted in someone self harming because of the abuse HE was getting.
i am off now to enjoy some people who have a real sense of humor.
again most of this post IS in jest.
Why is it that I have to now justify myself? I would not even say that all these people are uneducated, but I will say one thing, they are downright ignorant to others!!
For those of you who have behave like this towards another, think again, yes I did get upset, about this what happened to me, and for very good reasons, BUT not everyone can take it then bounce back as quick as me, and if it is relentless day in day out, stalking from one forum to another, then it will ware a person down, I know of one person who has self harmed this week because of this sort of behaviour, but they actually had the gall to the try and include a very dear friend of mine into this situation, wrong move!!
I could say its just childish and juvenile … but we are talking mostly about grown people, ADULTS!!
I am prepared now, for what will be thrown at me, and ‘snappy dragon’ I hope you or one of your friends are reading this, YOU lot need to sort your heads and yes … get a life!! Outside of making other peoples life miserable!!
I may have posted that what I have said above in that thread, but do you think I will let it rest there? Only difference is, I will go the right way round, I will also report the ‘Mod’, that joined in on this thread, to the appropriate people.
For the others, the trolls, a some like to call these people, who have seen posts on another forum by me in defence of a certain person, you are slowly killing!! … just carry on *wink* … what goes around comes around!!
Rant over .. I am sorry to all you regulars, but sometimes it just needs to be said. This subject hit home over the weekend, so I had to say something.
Normal service will be resumed asap.
Laters Tatty xx
PS .. the picture included the faces that could be seen, have been spotted out to protect the innocent, this was an innocent mob/crowd lol
*rolleye* generated